
JSON Web Key support for Django projects

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC



Easy JSON Web Keys (JWK) for your Django project.

In particular, this implements RFC 7517, [] RFC 7518, and RFC 8037, which allows you to create and maintain a rotating, public JWK set and use it to issue and validate JWTs signed with any of the following algorithms:

  • RSA:
    • RS256
    • RS384
    • RS512
    • PS256
    • PS384
    • PS512
  • Elliptic-Curve (EC)
    • ES256
    • ES384
    • ES512
  • Octet (OKP)
    • EdDSA with Ed25519
    • EdDSA with Ed448


  • Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9)
  • Django (2.2, 3.0, 3.1)
  • Django REST Framework (3.10, 3.11, 3.12)


Install it from the repo:

pip install git+https://github.com/maronato/django-rest-framework-jwk.git

Add rest_framework_jwk to your installed apps:


Sync your database:

python manage.py migrate rest_framework_jwk

That's it!


You can now encode and decode JWTs using:

>>> from rest_framework_jwk.jwt import encode, decode

>>> claims = {
    "sub": "1234567890",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "iat": 1516239022

>>> token = encode(claims) # Encoded JWT string

>>> print(token)

>>> decode(token) # Validates and returns the token claims
{'iat': 1516239022, 'name': 'John Doe', 'sub': '1234567890'}

Making the JWK set public

If your users need to access the public component of your keys for validation, add rest_framework_jwk.urls to your urls.py:

urlpatterns = [

    path(r"", include('rest_framework_jwk.urls', namespace='rest_framework_jwk')),

Now navigate to http://localhost:8000/.well-known/jwks.json and you'll see the public components of every JWK generated, with the most recent at the top.


All configurations are namespaced under the JWK settings.

For example:

JWK = {
    "ALGORITHM": "RS512",
    "RSA_KEY_SIZE": 2048,
Setting Default Type Description
ALGORITHM "RS512" str The algorithm used to generate JWKs and sign JWTs. The list of choices is defined below.
JWK_LIFETIME timedelta(days=7) timedelta A timedelta representing how long a JWK should be used before being rotated.
JWK_EXPIRE_TIME timedelta(days=7) `timedelta None`
CACHE_JWK_RESPONSES True bool Whether or not the responses given by the JWK set public endpoint should be cached.
CACHE_PREFIX "rest_framework_jwk" str The cache key prefix.
GET_CACHE_CALLBACK "rest_framework_jwk.utils.get_default_cache" `str callable`
RSA_KEY_SIZE 2048 `1024 2048
RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT 65537 int The public exponent to be used by the RSA algorithm. You should leave it at 65537 unless you have a really good reason.
EdDSA_CURVE "Ed25519" `"Ed25519" "Ed448"`

Available algorithms

The list of available algorithms to use is the following:

  • "RS256"
  • "RS384"
  • "RS512"
  • "PS256"
  • "PS384"
  • "PS512"
  • "ES256"
  • "ES384"
  • "ES512"
  • "EdDSA"