Hello World!

My name is Mariana Barnola and I'm an Old School Art director that knows how to code.

Let me tell you a bit about me:

I am in love with art, animals and nature. I love colors, letters, old toys, books and old Caribbean music with some notes of Stoner Rock.

I have drawn, cut, glued, painted and sewn since I was a child, hobbies that led me to study Commercial Art & Desktop Publishing in the early 1990s at the International Fine Arts College, in Miami: the last stronghold of traditional graphic design of the 20th century and the early stage of digital graphic design of the 21st century; tradition with novelty, Letraset® and Adobe Illustrator 3.5®.

I've worked as a freelance graphic designer and art director in advertising agencies since my graduation in 1994 trying to wear a wide range of "suits" within the world of design and graphic arts, aiming to train myself as a complete professional. Please, visit my portfolio, and drop me a line! https://marianabarnola.com/

I'm restless, methodical and very organized; Self-taught in many things and therefore a faithful believer in continuous learning: I'm always learning something, just recently got a knowledge upgrade: finished Front-End Engineer at CodeCademy,

Given my other passion for crafts and the impossibility of "sitting and doing nothing at all", I've also created a line of jewelery in natural stones, original and very elegant (in my opinion) called Rocks from Mars. Visit it, https://rocksfrommars.net/ you may like it! ;-)

And to say goodbye, I must confess that I don't think I'd be happy in a world without dogs, music or cheese. When I have free time I like to play the ukulele, read, preserve fruits from the garden, take care of my plants or play with my dogs.

Thank you for visiting.
