
Plugin to send middleman pages as emails to real devices for testing

Primary LanguageRuby

Stories in Ready


To activate the extension you should include the following block in your config.rb file:

All the fields are required:

activate :email do |email|
  email.user = "<smtp username>"
  email.password = "<smtp password>"
  email.emails_path= "<Folder where your emails are placed in your build directory, for example: emails. This path will be the base path after your build directory.>"
  email.to_email = "<email address where emails will be sent>"
  email.from_email = "<from address that will appear in all sent emails>"
  email.port = "<Smtp port>, default: 25"
  email.domain = "<Smtp domain>"
  email.address = "<Smtp address>"

Another properties that you can specify in the block are:

authentication = default: :plain

After this you can send ALL the email in your emails folder using the command:

bundle exec middleman email

Command line options

There are three options available:

-b (build_before) true/false | Default: true | If a false flag is indicated the build task will not be executed before premailer. Example:

bundle exec middleman email -b false

-s (subfolder) We can pass a subfolder to the command and all the emails inside this subfolder (inside the emails_path directory) will be sent.


bundle exec middleman email -s common_emails

If for example, emails_path is 'emails', all html files inside build_dir/emails/common_emails will be sent.

-f (file) File to be sent in the email. The value must be the path of the file.


bundle exec middleman email -s common_emails/my_email.html

-l (local_only) Does not send the resulting compiled template. It saves it into compiled_email folder


bundle exec middleman email -l