
Electrical Circuits and Systems I

Primary LanguageTeX

ECE 231

ECE 231. Electrical Circuits and Systems I. 3(1). An introduction to circuit analysis and system design. Topics include circuit models of electrical devices and systems, nodal and mesh analysis, Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits, dependent sources, operational amplifier circuits, transient, sinusoidal, steady-state, and frequency response of first-order circuits (solution of linear, first-order, constant coefficient, ordinary differential equations), and military and civilian applications. Lab. Final exam. Prereq: Math 142. Sem hrs: 3 fall or spring.

Original Author: Lt Col James Phillips, PhD

this is still a work in progress

Setup OSX

Install latex:

brew cask install basictex

Put handout.cls and DFEC-logo.png in:

/Users/<user name>/Library/texmf/tex/latex/local/

install lastpage.stl:

sudo tlmgr install lastpage

Might want to do:

sudo tlmgr update --all

Setup Windows

  1. Install latex from http://www.tug.org/downloads (install-tl-window.exe) which is a Windows installation package:

  2. Install cmake from https://cmake.org/download.

  3. Install ImageMagick from http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php. I used the portable version x64 (near bottom of page) and put it in my Documents folder. Then added it to the path:

export IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT=/c/Users/Kevin.Walchko/Documents/ImageMagick-7.0.2-5-portable-Q16-x64
export PATH=/c/Users/Kevin.Walchko/Documents/ImageMagick-7.0.2-5-portable-Q16-x64:$PATH


This uses UseLATEX.cmake to build the .tex files.

Edit the CMakeLists.txt variables to build the solution or not and also set the output PDF diectory.

  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. cmake ..
  4. make

Other useful make commands:

Commands Description
cmake nuke deletes everything in the build directory ... Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
cmake clean-pdf deletes pdfs in output directory
cmake clean deletes some latex artifact files from the build directory
cmake copy copies pdfs to an output directory

Since cmake copies everything into the build directory, you can safely delete it.


To remove spaces from file names:

for f in **/*; do mv -n "$f" `echo "$f" | sed -e 's/ /_/g'`; done

Unfortunately this doesn't work recursively all the way down, just down one level.