Stock Maximum Profit

You will be given a list of stock prices for a given day and your goal is to return the maximum profit that could have been made by buying a stock at the given price and then selling the stock later on.

For example if the input is:

[45, 24, 35, 31, 40, 38, 11] 

Then your program should return 16 because if you bought the stock at $24 and sold it at $40, a profit of $16 was made and this is the largest profit that could be made.

If no profit could have been made, return -1.


We'll solve the challenge the following way:

  1. Iterate through each number in the list.

  2. At the ith index, get the i+1 index price and check if it is larger than the ith index price.

  3. If so, set buy_price = i and sell_price = i+1. Then calculate the profit: sell_price - buy_price.

  4. If a stock price is found that is cheaper than the current buy_price, set this to be the new buying price and continue from step 2.

  5. Otherwise, continue changing only the sell_price and keep buy_price set.

This algorithm runs in linear time, making only one pass through the array, so the running time in the worst case is O(n).


Here is an example of the values that are set through each iteration of the stock prices.

input = [45, 24, 35, 31, 40, 38, 11]

buy_price = 0
sell_price = 0
max_profit = -1

At i = 0
buy_price = 45
sell_price = 24
max_profit = -1

At i = 1
buy_price = 24
sell_price = 35
max_profit = 11

At i = 2
buy_price = 24
sell_price = 31
max_profit = 7

At i = 3
buy_price = 24
sell_price = 40
max_profit = 16

At i = 4
buy_price = 24
sell_price = 38
max_profit = 14

At i = 5
buy_price = 24
sell_price = 11
max_profit = -1

Loop is done
max_profit = 16