
File watcher that also watches dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Watch files and their dependencies for changes

version install size


  • Watch .js files and their dependencies for changes (combination of chokidar and esm-module-lexer)
  • Run singular callbacks and aggregate callbacks
  • Requires JS files to be written in ES6 syntax (for import/export analysis)
  • Great for bundle-less build tooling


// CJS
var { watch } = require('jeye');
// ES6
import { watch } from 'jeye';

watch('source', {
  ignore: /(^|[\/\\])[\._]./    //ignore dot files and files with underscore prefix (_hidden.js)
}).on('change', (p, { exports, imports, code }) => {
  console.log(p + ' changed')
}).on('remove', p => {
  console.log(p + ' removed')
}).on('aggregate', (targets, changed) => {
  console.log(changed.length + ' files changed')
}).on('ready', (targets) => {


watch(source, options?)

  • source : [String] or String pointing to either directories or individual files
  • options
    • ignore: Regex to match all filenames that should be ignored
    • only: Regex to match all files that should be included
    • chokidar: Object to be passed to chokidar options API

.on(event, callback)

Returns instance of watcher (to allow for chained listeners)


  • change : (path, scriptInfo) => { }

    • path : path relative to cwd of the changed file
    • scriptInfo : only available for JS files with ES6 syntax
      • imports : list of imports exported by the changed file (from esm-module-lexer)
      • exports : list of exports exported by the changed file (from esm-module-lexer)
      • code : String of source code for that file (using utf8 encoding)
  • remove : (path) => { }

    • path : path relative to cwd of the deleted file
  • aggregate : (total, changed) => { }

    • total: Object with all target paths as keys and { imports, exports, code } as value
    • changed: Number of target files affected by the most recent edit
  • ready : (total, changed) => { }

    • total: Object with all target paths as keys and { imports, exports, code } as value


MIT © Marshall Brandt