A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music
Pinned issues
- 8
- 2
Google store and apple store
#3958 opened by pabloisco177 - 1
- 17
Black screen after launch
#3942 opened by TheArgentinian - 3
App Abandoned; Try YouTube Music Desktop Player
#3940 opened by ooglek - 3
Application stopped working on OSX
#3941 opened by DanDobrick - 0
- 6
HTTPS cert expired
#3926 opened by dm3ch - 1
Audi Devices Loading Devices
#3933 opened by superbonaci - 48
Fn + F5 / F6 / F7 (previous song, pause, next song) buttons have stopped working
#3920 opened by krevs - 1
cannot set proxy
#3936 opened by beathatbear - 1
Is there a way to Stop the video playback cause my pc is old and slow and i just want to use the yt music to play the audio
#3932 opened by arnabsarma-29 - 1
Remove first Page that still shows google play music
#3927 opened by dmuiX - 5
Unable to expand Audio Device Selection dialogue
#3921 opened by Hayden-Fluff - 5 Certificate Expired Nov 26, 2020
#3912 opened by ericop - 3
Cannot interact with JSON API using curl due to "upgrade required" message
#3924 opened by ryanpatrickmckenna - 8
Given GPM Shutdown, GPMDP should default to YTM
#3914 opened by rfilmyer - 4
The back arrow has disappeared.
#3923 opened by TheArgentinian - 8
[WIP] Electron 10 and other goodies
#3900 opened by jostrander - 3
Flatpak Version does not have a Tray Icon.
#3880 opened by opqriu - 1
Windows desktop player jittery sound
#3919 opened by sahil-sheikh-jdas - 5
App not Scrobbling to
#3915 opened by chriskol - 41
Youtube Music: Undefined track name and artist
#3888 opened by EugeneTheDev - 2
- 15
Final Shutdown of Google Play Music
#3903 opened by NekomusuMae - 1
Build to work with undefined player informations
#3916 opened by mesmerx - 4
Constant pausing after each song
#3906 opened by Kdog88 - 21
Hotkey for Your Mix on YT Music
#3892 opened by TobiasDeBruijn - 9
Can't switch to YouTube Music Player
#3904 opened by equiman - 2
Song preview lists "Unknown Song - Unknown Artist"
#3910 opened by OfficialMaxBox - 2
- 3
MacOS Media Center Support
#3909 opened by domoritz - 0
- 4
- 8
YTM Playback.json Song info NULL
#3881 opened by VFSniper - 7
Hotkeys not working for Thumbs Up/Down in YT Music
#3901 opened by CydeSwype - 2
Thank you so much
#3899 opened by CEbbinghaus - 10
- 2
GPM desktop opens a terminal window at system startup and window remains open
#3893 opened by rferreiradba - 2
Will the features in gpmdp migrate to youtube music
#3894 opened by Block81838 - 2
Slack Integration breaks switching from YTM to GPM, "null - null" displays in YTM
#3898 opened by rileym94 - 2
Convert to GitHub Actions
#3876 opened by RosenDev - 4
Scrobbling stopped working with YouTube Music
#3895 opened by hotmule - 3
No metadata provided to the system on macOS Big Sur
#3891 opened by hacker1024 - 4
Upload music isn't responding
#3886 opened by nephroditus - 1
GPMDP not showing up in kde media center
#3889 opened by hamperfait - 1
- 1
No audio devices found on Linux Mint
#3882 opened by aaronurbanski - 1
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