Socketio server


This is a basic node server that uses the socket io library to enable real-time event-based communication between clients and the eserver.

The purpose of this server is to listen to a message sent from a client and broadcasts that same message to all connected devices. This means that all devices except the sender will receive the message.

This is the backend implementation that is used to send and receive messages from m5 atom devices. The client-side code can be found in this repo.


Clone the project and navigate to the project directory:

git clone
cd socket socketio_server

Create a .env file with the port you want your server to listen to. If there is no PORT environmente variable it will default to port 3000.

Running the server

Install dependencies and run the server with the provided script to start the project in development mode:

npm i
npm run dev

There is a client.js file that can be used to test some client connections. To run an instance of a client run the following command:

node client.js
