- 3
- 65
Crashes on Windows on ARM
#304 opened by orditeck - 3
- 10
- 2
Tray icon randomly changes theme after a while
#305 opened by ahmetsait - 7
- 11
Downloads tab is empty even when items are out of sync and currently downloading
#293 opened by Xarishark - 9
- 6
Yellow icon with exclimation point saying there are notifications available. But I can't find them anywhere
#285 opened by snab43 - 1
- 3
- 4
Add Sync Progress Indicator with Data Size and ETA in Standalone Tray Application
#299 opened by henriklb - 1
Syncthing Tray ignores .ini file next to exe when launching through CMD or bat file
#298 opened by cavalrymargarine0x1 - 13
buggy Appstream metadata
#296 opened by sten0 - 7
Portable mode and autostart do not work together
#295 opened by AndrewSav - 2
Syncthingtray and syncthing are not in sync
#294 opened by sn2020aug - 3
Support Fedora 41 in OBS
#292 opened by SirFritz - 1
- 5
Tray menu position adjustment
#290 opened by Balot0x00 - 5
Syncthingtray Plasmoid 1.6.2 crashes plasmashell 6.1.5 when trying to open WebView
#287 opened by eugenesan - 11
- 2
AUR installing boost-libs (1.86.0-2) breaks dependency '' required by syncthingtray-qt6
#286 opened by JackDinn - 3
Verify the Flathub package
#283 opened by goebbe - 5
feat: Allow Gnome users to open popup
#284 opened by xieve - 7
Make arch linux updateable again ("installing boost-libs (1.86.0-1) breaks dependency '' required by syncthingtray-qt6")
#281 opened by financelurker - 5
- 31
- 4
I don't understand
#272 opened by allanonmage - 1
Syncthing Tray doesn't start at Windows startup
#276 opened by tonypachino - 5
Syncthingtray’s CPU usage may increase linearly with Syncthing without obvious reason
#275 opened by Zocker1999NET - 6
- 3
Notify when new release arrives
#247 opened by ykis-0-0 - 11
Add "Use presets" entry to follow desktop theme
#270 opened by financelurker - 21
Flatpak for SyncthingTray
#261 opened by qgymib - 3
Option to stop Syncthing on battery for laptop
#259 opened by xgdgsc - 10
Tray keeping grey and disconnected .
#252 opened by eromoe - 4
Syncthing Tray is in a perma state of reconnecting
#253 opened by trdemoss - 5
- 3
Downloads tab is messed up on Windows 11
#269 opened by soredake - 3
Provide high-resolution versions of Windows icon
#268 opened by rocapz - 4
Uninstall option?
#260 opened by slrgt - 7
- 1
Clean up Releases section
#266 opened by slrgt - 4
Which version for Windows 64 Bit and which Version of Syncthing original is used in the newest version?
#263 opened by marsch1975 - 2
Quick question: Where are the config files and how to re-force the config wizard?
#262 opened by vinoff - 4
Installation fails with `signature from "Martchus" is unknown trust`
#258 opened by coffebar - 3
Fedora 40 packages in OBS
#256 opened by rominf - 2
Environment variables do not go through to Syncthing when using libsyncthing
#255 opened by daniele-athome - 1
- 3
Failed test in AUR
#246 opened by vinoff