- 0
- 8
[Question] CLI tag adding (track/disk total, engineer, producer) to audio files
#118 opened by incogthedev - 5
Resizing covers through the CLI version?
#122 opened by cavalrymargarine0x1 - 2
"'tageditor --help' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
#121 opened by cavalrymargarine0x1 - 4
Working with image file that contain colons ':'
#120 opened by octimis - 12
Add support for Songwriter/Web tags in M4A
#119 opened by hsn10 - 2
Writing application settings
#108 opened by MatthewAllan93 - 9
Core Dumping constantly
#117 opened by nPHYN1T3 - 25
failed to embed art under windows 10
#103 opened by ClaireCJS - 10
[Change Request] Defender sees CLI as a virus
#114 opened by David-Maisonave - 3
Trojan:Win64/Rozena.CEW!MTB found in
#115 opened by Escape888 - 1
Windows 10 Claims to Detect Malware (Trojan)
#113 opened by RadioRoscoe - 3
- 4
How to edit a field on multiple files at once
#107 opened by GamingLegion - 1
Tag Editor 3.9 blocked as dangerous
#111 opened by Userfadoozer - 2
How to cancel saving the modified automatic backup?
#105 opened by whleecn - 1
Defender sees 3.8.1 CLI as a virus.
#110 opened by L0garithmic - 9
- 2
v3.8.1 for Windows being flagged as malicious
#106 opened by Taomyn - 2
Why does tageditor crop thumbnail image?
#102 opened by JohnnyZ716 - 0
MP4 video thumbnail gets reset after a while
#104 opened by CapCollin - 8
a duration field missing after editing tags?
#98 opened by AaronRendahl - 2
inquiry: thumbnails for mpeg files
#101 opened by boldcompany - 6
Rewriting problem on large mp4 files?
#100 opened by gigend - 3
Can't access USB drives
#92 opened by bigziw - 0
Help text language mistakes
#96 opened by Stentonian - 1
- 3
- 1
Feature request regarding Genre combo box
#90 opened by stax76 - 2
[Feature] Support for WFED, TGID, TDES, PCST, chapter and table of contents audiobook frames for podcasts and audiobooks
#93 opened by GUUser91 - 2
How to restore files to Bak?
#89 opened by action1618 - 5
The thumbnail does not appear.
#91 opened by FanserviceArchive - 4
Portable Mode
#88 opened by smaragdus - 5
'Record date' writing unwanted month/day/time info
#86 opened by stax76 - 7
How to set the bpm for an aiff file?
#87 opened by magnusja - 10
Corrupted Files - Bak Files?
#85 opened by action1618 - 11
Support rating tag for MP3 and Opus
#84 opened by stax76 - 9
[Question] How to get the cover type in console?
#82 opened by Mapaler - 3
Command-line exit codes
#83 opened by 11xx - 13
- 7
Not seeing title of MKV movie
#72 opened by Taomyn - 11
- 8
PotPlayer playlist displays incorrect duration time after TagEditor saves an MP4 file.
#80 opened by David-Maisonave - 17
Installs to usr/local/bin/bin on a Mac
#78 opened by buckmanhands - 2
- 11
Can't build for Amazon Linux
#76 opened by ffxsam - 10
Can't read FLAC tags
#75 opened by FritzHeiden - 6
Error Unable to assign attachments because the container object has not been initialized
#74 opened by hunandy14 - 3
[Feature]: Playlist like view
#73 opened by sandersantema - 6