- aloisdenielFreelance
- andrewfeagley
- antigravitiesNew York, NY
- antopilo@MomentFactory
- ben-cleggSheffield, UK
- dm67xFrance
- fdrobidouxUnited States, Texas
- fosseguttenSpill Data
- FreeNightKnight
- GlutoblopNottingham
- hammypantsin a bucket at the end of time
- henningms@mcflyas
- joesycalik
- johngirvinNorthern Ireland
- justjenkinsEngland
- keeganatorr
- Lothindir
- MechaKnightzSweden
- Memorix101Germany
- meowcorpYandex
- MrGraktwitter: @_mrgrak
- NikitaIvanovV
- pacojqIO Interactive
- PixieCatSupreme
- rcollina
- rds1983Russia, Novosibirsk
- RonildoSouzaBrasil
- Rud156Orlando, Florida, United States
- sherjilozair
- SnipeHub
- steviedisco
- TandersTFinland
- yDavidSousa@Game-Smithing
- yonsaberLondon
- Yvees