Album imagery inspiration

No working Title atm for the album(s), so it may be self titled Mars Martian

I am currently writing-imagining an EP / DEMO, a follow up full Album. Then hopefully potentially a sophmore album.

Art influence style

  1. Main inspiration comes from the 16 bit 1985 Revolutionary Sega Arcade Classic Space Harrier



  1. Sprite sheet art style for all antagonist

Perspective Perspective

  1. Scroll This site to 'The Stages' section to see various screen grabs from differing Levels from the game scroll to the stages

Protagonist - Mars Martian



Screen Shot 2023-08-02 at 3 15 47 PM

Screen Shot 2023-08-02 at 3 16 04 PM

  1. instead of the random spikey blonde protagonist, it would actually be Me, flavored with Marvin the Martian collor palete / essenence Perspective Perspective

The album Themes / sound scapes

  1. Military industrial complex
  2. CyberWarfare
  3. Collective Consciousness
  4. Braggadotious DoomGuy track where I, Doomguy an 80's/90's MC rap about Mowing through slew after slew of Demons after the gateway to hell blown loose on Mars Perspective

Sound Scape heavy inspirations:

  • Herbie Hancock 70's acid jazz funk stylings Sleeping Giant
  • Cryptopsy because duh, Cryptopsy Phobophile
  • Parliament-Funkadelic / Zapp-Roger FUNKY FUNK
  • Epicardiectomy Brutal Death Slam
  • And other deep cut Chamber Music samplings

Additional ideas

I love egyptian cosmic'ish themes to really come through

Pharoahs, sphinx's, Pyramids, Collums / Pillars Perspective

Fan Art / Promotional Art



Just interesting (companies rarely provide schematics now a days)

Arcade Cabinet schematics