
/g/'s Programming Projects for n00bz.

Primary LanguagePython


/g/'s Programming Projects for n00bz. Courtesy of anon from 4chan.

These are in random difficulty order.

How to Play

Last three digits of your post decide.

Happy Rolling!

  1. Name Generator
  2. Higher or Lower / Heads or tails
  3. Temperature Converter
  4. Calculate your Age in Seconds
  5. Simple Encryption / Decryption
  6. FizzBuzz
  7. Rock Paper Scissors and/or Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
  8. Hangman
  9. Love Calculator
  10. Pseudorandom Quote Generator
  11. Password Generator
  12. Atomically Correct Time from an internet clock
  13. Haiku Generator
  14. Magic Eight Ball
  15. Collatz Conjecture
  16. Reverse a string
  17. Count the Vowels in a string
  18. Count the words in a string
  19. Minesweeper
  20. Connect Four
  21. BMI Calculator
  22. 4chan Thread Downloader (Images)
  23. Sodoku Generator / Solver
  24. Maze Game and Solution Algorithm
  25. Decimal to Binary
  26. Picross Solver
  27. Eulerian Path
  28. Fibonnaci Sequence Algorithm
  29. Calculate and Print the Factorial of 100
  30. Encryption Collection. Implement all of the tools in the Rumkin Collection: http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher/
  31. Blackjack
  32. Text Adventure Game
  33. Generate an ASCII image of a Christmas tree to a user given height.
  34. Area Calculator
  35. Benfords Law
  36. Hunt the Wumpus
  37. Static Website Generator
  38. Crossword Game
  39. NTP Server
  40. Stronger Password Generator (With less chance of predicting an outcome)
  41. Find the largest number in an array, and print its position
  42. ASCII Analogue Clock
  43. Dijkstra's Algorithm
  44. Text to Morse translator. Bonus points for generating the sound.
  45. Noughts and Crosses / Tic Tac Toe / X and O
  46. Snake Game
  47. FTP Client (TCP or UDP with ACK)
  48. Telnet Server
  49. IMP Interpreter
  50. Tetris
  51. Conway's Game of Life
  52. Web Crawler
  53. Text Editor
  54. RSS Feed Creator
  55. Evaluate Binomial Coefficients
  56. Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Calculator
  57. Output the Mandlebrot Set in ASCII
  58. Sorting Algorithm
  59. Convert Markup to HTML
  60. The N Queens Problem
  61. Details Validatior using Regular Expressions. Validate Phone numbers, emails, names etc.
  62. Linked List
  63. Mastermind
  64. Random Image Generator
  65. last.FM Scrobbler
  66. Klingon Translator
  67. Prime Number generator using a Sieve
  68. Markov Chain
  69. Graphical Digital Clock (GUI)
  70. Oil Spill Game
  71. Algorithm to calculate Triangle Numbers
  72. Calculate a users typing speed
  73. Name Art in ASCII
  74. Towers of Hanoi
  75. Quine
  76. IRC Bot
  77. Brainfuck Interpreter
  78. Sorting Algorithm Audibilization and/or Visualisation
  79. Chip-8 Emulator
  80. Geekcode Generator (3.12)
  81. Define, translate and rotate a shape with an arbitrary amount of vertices
  82. Pong with Variable Vectors
  83. Battleships with an Artificial Intelligence (NPC) opponent. Make sure they're beatable.
  84. Simple Rougelike. Mega chapeau for multiplayer over LAN.
  85. TCP chat program with basic encryption (XOR)
  86. Incremental Economy Simulator (Look up Time of Exploration)
  87. Encryption / Decryption Hiding text in an image
  88. Calculate Pascals Triangle
  89. Sine Wave Generator from Pseudorandom Numbers
  90. Pacman Clone with Ghost AI
  91. Flappy Birds Clone
  92. Fast Fourier Transform
  93. Graphical Digital Clock (GUI) that allows the user to set alarms and change colors
  94. Binary Search / Binary Search Tree
  95. Nintendo Oil Panic
  96. Generate the Sierpinski Triangle
  97. Calculate the Dot and Cross of two Vectors
  98. Little Man Computer Simulator
  99. Basic LISP Interpreter
  100. Hailstone Sequence

Challenge Tier

  • Conways Game of Life with an Improvement Algorithm.
    -It should be given a starting pattern, and alter the starting pattern when a generation dies or stops significant movement (repeats itself indefinately.)
  • Scan the entire IPv4 range, from to and log IP's that host webservers in a database.
    -I take no responsibility if anybody comes knocking on your door.

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For more ideas.