
Gives generative artists easy access to data in 256ART pieces in a NodeJS environment.

npm install --save 256art
const TwoFiveSix = require("256art");


Get metadata for one piece

let json = TwoFiveSix.getJsonFromId(1);

Get metadata in base64 format for one piece

let base64 = TwoFiveSix.getBase64JsonFromId(1);

Get all block colors as seeds by converting hex to decimal value from each color in a piece

let seedsFromColors = TwoFiveSix.getDecimalFromHexForAllColorsForId(1);

Get all block colors for one piece (hex)

let blockColors = TwoFiveSix.getBlockColorsForId(1);

Get background color for one piece (hex)

let bgColor = TwoFiveSix.getBackgroundColorForId(1);

Get border color for one piece (hex)

let borderColor = TwoFiveSix.getBorderColorForId(1);

Get total amount of blocks for one piece

let totalBlocks = TwoFiveSix.getTotalBlocksForId(1);