
Google Analytics API Ruby Gem Gattica gets data from V3. Simple to use.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gattica is an easy to use Gem for getting data from the Google Analytics API V3.


  • Supports: metrics, dimensions, sorting, filters, goals, mcf, and segments.
  • Get acces to the Management API, Reporting API, MCF Reporting API and the Metadata API.
  • Handles accounts with over 1000 profiles
  • Returns data as: hash, json, CSV

Quick Start

Here are bare basics to get you up and running.


Add Gattica to your Gemfile

gem 'gattica', git: 'git://github.com/MartijnSch/gattica.git'

Don't forget to bundle install:

$ bundle install

If you want to get a refresh token to use for offline access, run:

$ bundle exec gattica_get_access_token

Login, get a list of accounts, pick an account, and get data:

# Include the gem
require 'gattica'

# Login using your OAUHT2 Token
ga = Gattica.new({ 
    token: 'oauth2_token'

# Get a list of accounts
accounts = ga.accounts

# Choose the first account
ga.profile_id = accounts.first.profile_id

# Get the data
data = ga.get({ 
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],

# Show the data
puts data.inspect

General Usage

Create your Gattica object

ga = Gattica.new({ token: 'oauth2_token' })

Query for accounts you have access to

# Retrieve a list of accounts
accounts = ga.accounts

# Show information about accounts
puts "---------------------------------"
puts "Available profiles: " + accounts.count.to_s
accounts.each do |account|
  puts "   --> " + account.title
  puts "   last updated: " + account.updated.inspect
  puts "   web property: " + account.web_property_id
  puts "     profile id: " + account.profile_id.inspect
  puts "          goals: " + account.goals.count.inspect

Set which profile Gattica needs to use

# Tell Gattica to query profile ID 5555555
ga.profile_id = 5555555

Get data from Google Analytics

The Get method will get data from Google Analytics and return Gattica::DataSet type.

Here's an example:

# Get the number of visitors by month from Jan 1st to April 1st.
data = ga.get({
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visitors']

Using Dimension & Metrics

Here are some additional examples that illustrate different things you can do with dimensions and metrics.


# Sorting by number of visits in descending order (most visits at the top)
data = ga.get({ 
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visits'],
    sort:         ['-visits']

Limiting results

# Limit the number of results to 25.
data = ga.get({ 
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visits'],
    max_results:  25 

JSON formatted string

# Return data as a json string. (Useful for NoSQL databases)
my_json = data.to_h['points'].to_json

# => 
#   "[{
#       \"xml\":\"<entry> .... </entry>\",
#       \"id\":\"http://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data? ...",
#       \"updated\":\"2011-03-31T17:00:00-07:00\",
#       \"title\":\"ga:month=01 | ga:year=2011\",
#       \"dimensions\":[{\"month\":\"01\"},{\"year\":\"2011\"}],
#       \"metrics\":[{\"visitors\":6}]
#     },
#     { 
#       \"xml\":\"<entry> .... </entry>\",
#       \"id\":\"http://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data? ...",
#       ...
#   }]"

CSV formatted string

# Return the data in CSV format.  (Useful for using in Excel.)

# Short CSV will only return your dimensions and metrics:
short_csv = data.to_csv(:short)   

# => "month,year,visitors\n\n01,2011, ...."

# Long CSV will get you a few additional columns:
long_csv = data.to_csv            

# => "id,updated,title,month,year,visitors\n\nhttp:// ..."

DIY formatting

# You can work directly with the 'point' method to return data.
data.points.each do |data_point|
  puts "#{data_point[:keyword]} got #{visitors} visitors"

# => 
#   keyword 1 got 34552 visitors
#   keyword 2 got 36732 visitors
#   keyword 3 got 45642 visitors
#   keyword 4 got 44456 visitors

Using Filter, Goals, and Segments

Learn more about filters: Google Data feed filtering reference

Get profiles with goals

# Get all the profiles that have goals
profiles_with_goals = accounts.select { |account| account.goals.count > 0 }

# => 
#   [{
#     :id                => "http://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/accounts/ga:...",
#     :updated           => Mon, 16 May 2011 16:40:30 -0700,
#     :title             => "Profile Title",
#     :table_id          => "ga:123456",
#     :account_id        => 123456,
#     :account_name      => "Account name",
#     :profile_id        =>  123456,
#     :web_property_id   => "UA-123456-3",
#     :currency          => "EUR",
#     :timezone          => "",
#     :ecommerce         => true,
#     :site_search       => true,
#     :goals =>[{
#         :active   => "true", 
#         :name     => "Goal name",
#         :number   => 1, 
#         :value    => 0.0
#     }]
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id                => "http://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/accounts/ga:...",
#     :updated           => Mon, 16 May 2011 16:40:30 -0700,
#     :title             => "Profile Title",
#     ...
#   }]

List available segments

# Get all the segments that are available to you
segments = ga.segments

# Segments with negative gaid are default segments from Google.
# Segments with positive gaid numbers are custom segments that you created.
# =>
#   [{
#     :id          => "gaid::-1", 
#     :name        => "All Visits", 
#     :definition  => " ",
#     :updated     => "2013-11-28 20:30:40"
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id          => "gaid::-2", 
#     :name        => "New Visitors", 
#     :definition  => "ga:visitorType==New Visitor",
#     :updated     => "2013-11-28 20:30:40"
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id          => ... # more default segments
#     :name        => ...
#     :definition  => ...
#     :updated     => ...
#   },
#   {
#     :id          => "gaid::12345678", 
#     :name        => "Name of segment", 
#     :definition  => "ga:keyword=...."
#     :updated     => ...
#   }, 
#   {
#     :id          => ... # more custom segments
#     :name        => ...
#     :definition  => ...
#     :updated     => ...
#   }]

Query by segment

# Return visits and bounces for mobile traffic 
# (Google's default user segment gaid::-11)

mobile_traffic = ga.get({ 
  start_date:   '2011-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-02-01', 
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  segment:      'gaid::-11'


Filters are boolean expressions in strings. Here's an example of an equality:

# Filter by Firefox users
firefox_users = ga.get({
  start_date:   '2010-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-01-01',
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  filters:      ['browser == Firefox']

Here's an example of greater-than:

# Filter where visits is >= 10000
lots_of_visits = ga.get({
  start_date:   '2010-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-02-01',
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  filters:      ['visits >= 10000']

Multiple filters is an array. Currently, they are only joined by 'AND'.

# Firefox users and visits >= 10000
firefox_users_with_many_pageviews = ga.get({
  start_date:   '2010-01-01', 
  end_date:     '2011-02-01',
  dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
  metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
  filters:      ['browser == Firefox', 'visits >= 10000']

Even More Examples!

Top 25 keywords that drove traffic

Output the top 25 keywords that drove traffic to your website in the first quarter of 2013.

# Get the top 25 keywords that drove traffic
data = ga.get({ 
  start_date:   '2013-01-01',
  end_date:     '2013-04-01',
  dimensions:   ['keyword'],
  metrics:      ['visits'],
  sort:         ['-visits'],
  max_results:  25 

# Output our results
data.points.each do |data_point|
  kw = data_point.dimensions.detect { |dim| dim.key == :keyword }.value
  visits = data_point.metrics.detect { |metric| metric.key == :visits }.value
  puts "#{visits} visits => '#{kw}'"

# =>
#   19667 visits => '(not set)'
#   1677 visits => 'keyword 1'
#   178 visits => 'keyword 2'
#   165 visits => 'keyword 3'
#   161 visits => 'keyword 4'
#   112 visits => 'keyword 5'
#   105 visits => 'seo company reviews'
#   ...

Additional Options & Settings

Meta Data

If you want to have an overview of all the metadata field you're able to use within the Reporting API.

ga = Gattica.new({
      token: 'oauth2_token'

This will provide you with a list of all metadata.

Multi Channel Funnels

Getting access to Multi Channel Funnels is working the same way as the method for getting data from the Reporting API.

ga = Gattica.new({
      token: 'oauth2_token'
data = ga.mcf({
  start_date:   '2013-01-01',
  end_date:     '2013-04-01',
  dimensions:   ['basicChannelGroupingPath'],
  metrics:      ['totalConversions'],
  sort:         ['-totalConversions'],
  max_results:  25 

This will provide you with a list of all metrics for multi channel funnels.

Content Experiments

Get access to the Content Experiments. This works a litle different as you also have to provide the account id, web property id and profile id.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
experiments = ga.experiments(123456, 'UA-123456', 123456)

This will provide you with a list of all experiments and variants.

Unsampled Reports

Get access to the Unsampled Reports for a profile ID. This works a litle different as you also have to provide the account id, web property id and profile id.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
unsampled_reports = ga.unsampled_reports(123456, 'UA-123456', 123456)

This will provide you with a list of all unsampled reports.


Get access to the goals of a specific profile ID. This works a litle different as you also have to provide the account id, web property id and profile id.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
goals = ga.goals(123456, 'UA-123456', 123456)

This will provide you with a list of all goals.


Get access to the goals of a specific account ID. This works a litle different as you also have to provide the account id.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
ga.account_id = 123456
filters = ga.filters

This will provide you with a list of all filters.

Custom Metrics, Custom Dimensions & Custom Data Sources

Get access to the custom dimensions, metrics and data sources of a specific web property ID. This works a litle different as you also have to provide the account id + web property ID.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
custom_metrics = ga.custom_metrics(123456, 123456)
custom_dimensions = ga.custom_dimensions(123456, 123456)
custom_data_sources = ga.custom_data_sources(123456, 123456)

This will provide you with a list of all custom metrics, custom data sources or custom dimensions.

Properties & Profiles

Get access to the properties of a specific account ID.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
ga.account_id = 123456
properties = ga.properties
profiles = ga.profiles(123456, 123456)

This will provide you with a list of all properties or profiles in the account.

Uploads of Custom Data Sources

Get access to the uploads for a custom data source ID. This works a litle different as you also have to provide the account id + web property ID + custom data source ID.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
uploads = ga.uploads(123456, 123456, "123456")

This will provide you with a list of all uploads for a custom data source ID.

Upload data for a Custom Data Source

Upload a data file for a custom data source to make sure you can use the data.

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token'
upload = ga.upload_data(123456, 123456, "123456", "file.csv")

It will return a custom data source upload object.

Setting HTTP timeout

If you have a lot of profiles in your account (like 1000+ profiles) querying for accounts may take over a minute. Net::HTTP will timeout and an exception will be raised.

To avoid this, specify a timeout when you instantiate the Gattica object:

ga = Gattica.new({ 
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    timeout: 600  # Set timeout for 10 minutes!

The default timeout is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Change the default in: lib/gattica/settings.rb

For reference 1000 profiles with 2-5 goals each takes around 90-120 seconds.

Specifying your own headers

Google expects a special header in all HTTP requests called 'Authorization'. Gattica handles this header automatically. If you want to specify your own you can do that when you instantiate Gattica:

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    headers: {'My-Special-Header':'my_custom_value'}

Using HTTP proxy

You can set http proxy settings when you instantiate the Gattica object:

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    http_proxy: { host: 'proxy.example.com', port: 8080, user: 'username', password: 'password' }

Specifying SSL certificates directory

You can set ssl certificates directory path when you instantiate the Gattica object:

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    http_proxy: { host: 'proxy.example.com', port: 8080, user: 'username', password: 'password' },
    ssl_ca_path: '/usr/lib/ssl/certs'

GZIP Compression

You can set GZIP compression when he instantiate the Gattica object (default is false):

ga = Gattica.new({
    token: 'oauth2_token',
    gzip: true

Sampling Levels, QuotaUser & Max results

You can set the sampling level for a get request, options: DEFAULT, FASTER or HIGHER_PRECISION (default is HIGHER_PRECISION). You can set the quotaUser for a request to limited the quote for users.

data = ga.get({
    start_date:   '2011-01-01',
    end_date:     '2011-04-01',
    dimensions:   ['month', 'year'],
    metrics:      ['visits', 'bounces'],
    sampling_level: 'FASTER',
    quota_user:   'RANDOM_KEY',
    max_results:  10000


Version history

1.5.7 (29 July 2015)

  • Add some more data points for various calls.
  • Add a new end point to return the uploads for a custom data source ID.
  • Add support for uploading data files for custom data sources.

1.5.6 (20 July 2015)

  • Add a new end point to return the custom data sources for a web property ID.
  • Add a new end point to return the unsampled reports for a profile ID.

1.5.5 (19 July 2015)

  • Add a new end point to return the custom metrics for a web property ID.
  • Add a new end point to return the custom dimensions for a web property ID.

1.5.4 (16 July 2015)

  • Add a new end point to return the filters for an account.
  • Rewrite some code + add more documentation.

1.5.3 (15 July 2015)

  • Add support for adding the max_results parameter to get requests.
  • Add a new end point to return the properties for an account.
  • Add a new end point to return the profiles for a web property.

1.5.2 (14 July 2015)

  • Be able to set the SAMPLING_LEVEL parameter yourself, it will default to higher precision.
  • Add the quotaUser parameter.
  • Add support for only retrieving the goals for a specific profile ID.

1.5.0 (March 4, 2015)

  • Retrieve the experiments that you're running via the Management API.

1.4.2 (March 6, 2014)

  • Fix a bug which prevented data for accounts to be pulled.

1.4.1 (December 1, 2013)

  • Now also supporting multi channel funnel data.

1.4 (November 29, 2013)

  • Add the Metadata API to the Gattica gem.

1.3.4 (November 28, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from using GZIP to get metrics and segments.

1.3.1 & 1.3.2

  • Always use high precision for sampled data + fix the export to CSV method.


  • Finally move the reporting API part to the new V3 API so you're able to retrieve the data.


  • Improve the get methods for retrieving metrics via the reporting API.

1.2.2 & 1.2.3

  • Provide some extra data for goals, accounts & segments.


  • Upgrade to Ruby 1.9.1 and the new Ruby hash syntax



  • Add support for using GZIP to compress data
  • Use efficient query parameters to the V3 Management API to increase performance


  • Update to use Google Analytics V3 API for both reporting and management

    TL;DR: Use the V3 API now

    • :) Support for OAuth 2.0 as the new, recommended way to authorize users.
    • :) New JSON based output reduces the size of the response ~10x from the previous XML output.
    • :( It's not that easy any more to use the gem for plug and play.
    • :( Remove support for XML output as we already support JSON.


  • Incorporated fixes by tbem
    • Escape commas in filters.
    • Add proxy support and ssl_ca_path support


  • Incorporated fixes by vgololobov
    • Removed circular dependency
    • Fixed 1.9.3 init exception chrisle#6


  • Update to use Google Analytics v2.4 management API

    TL;DR: Uses the v2.4 API now because Google deprecated <2.3.

    • :) - Drop-in replacement for you.
    • :) - Won't timeout anymore.
    • :) - Accounts method might be faster if you have a few profiles
    • :( - Accounts method is notably slower if you have >1000 profiles.

    Google has changed the output of the API < 2.3. Most notable changes were the output of what was the /management/accounts/default call. Some of the XML changed, but most notably it didn't return everything all at once. It used to look like this: http://bit.ly/w6Ummj

  • Fixed token [deviantech]


  • Added some tests - needs more work :(


  • Removed version numbers [john mcgrath]


  • Removed monkey patch [mathieuravaux]


  • Added a configuration file to unit tests
  • Removed version.rb. Not needed. (thanks John McGrath see: github.com/john)
  • Migrated examples and rewrote README file


  • FIXED: Typo in start-index parameter
  • Refactored Engine class into it's own file.
  • Began to re-style code to wrap at 80 characters
  • Added some unit tests


  • Added Ruby 1.9 support (Thanks @mathieuravaux https://github.com/mathieuravaux)
  • Uses hpricot 0.8.4 now. 0.8.3 segfaults.
  • Added ability to change the timeout when requesting analytics from Google
  • Added the ability to use max_results


  • scottp Added Analytics API v2 header, and basic support for "segment" argument.


  • er1c updated to use standard Ruby CSV library


  • Support for filters (filters are all AND'ed together, no OR yet)


  • More robust error checking on HTTP calls
  • Added to_xml to get raw XML output from Google

0.2.0 / 2009-04-27

  • Changed initialization format: pass a hash of options rather than individual email, password and profile_id
  • Can initialize with a valid token and use that instead of requiring email/password each time
  • Can initialize with your own logger object instead of having to use the default (useful if you're using with Rails, initialize with RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER)
  • Show error if token is invalid or expired (Google returns a 401 on any HTTP call)
  • Started tests

0.1.4 / 2009-04-22

  • Another attempt at getting the gem to build on github

0.1.3 / 2009-04-22

  • Getting gem to build on github

0.1.2 / 2009-04-22

  • Updated readme and examples, better documentation throughout

0.1.1 / 2009-04-22

  • When outputting as CSV, surround each piece of data with double quotes (appears pretty common for various properties (like Browser name) to contain commas

0.1.0 / 2009-03-26

  • Basic functionality working good. Can't use filters yet.

Maintainer history