
The first project of the 42 core curriculum.

Primary LanguageC


Author: Martijn Wallage

Written in: C


A library of common C functions used in the Core Curriculum of the 42 school.


Char checks and converts

  • int ft_isalpha(int c) : is the value of c, understood as a char, a letter?
  • int ft_isdigit(int c) : is the value of c, understood as a char, a digit?
  • int ft_isalnum(int c) : is the value of c, understood as a char, an alphanumeric character?
  • int ft_isascii(int c) : is the value of c, understood as a char, on the ASCII chart?
  • int ft_isprint(int c) : is the value of c, understood as a char, a printable character?
  • int ft_toupper(int c) : convert c, understood as a char, to uppercase.
  • int ft_tolower(int c) : convert c, understood as a char, to lowercase.

Memory functions

  • void ft_memset(void *s, int c, size_t n) : set chunk of memory to c. Memory address begins with s and ends with s + n.
  • void ft_bzero(void *s, size_t n) : set chunk of memory to 0. Memory address begins with s and ends with s + n.
  • void ft_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) : copy n bytes of src to dest.
  • void ft_memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n) : move n bytes of src to dest.
  • void* ft_memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n) : return pointer to first occurrence of char c in s.
  • int ft_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) : compare s1 and s2, cast as char pointers.
  • void ft_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) : allocate memory.

String functions

  • int ft_atoi(const char *nptr) : convert from string to int.
  • int ft_atoi_base(const char *nptr, const char *base) : convert from string in base to int (not part of official project).
  • char* ft_itoa(int n) : convert from int to string.
  • char* ft_strchr(const char *s, int c) : return pointer to first occurrence of c in s.
  • char* ft_strrchr(const char *s, int c) : return pointer to last occurrence of c in s.
  • int ft_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) : compare n chars of s1 and s2.
  • int ft_strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) : compare s1 and s2 (not part of official project).
  • size_t ft_strlen(const char *s) : length of string.
  • size_t ft_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size) : copy size chars of src to dst
  • size_t ft_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size) : concatenate src to dst.
  • char* ft_strdup(const char *s) : duplicate string.
  • char* ft_substr(char const *s, unsigned int start, size_t len) : copy and return the substring of s that begins at start and ends at start + len.
  • char* ft_strjoin(char const *s1, char const *s2) : join s1 to s2.
  • char* ft_strtrim(char const *s1, char const *set) : trim the chars in set from s1.
  • char** ft_split(char const *s, char c) : split string s in as many words as are separated by c.
  • char* ft_strmapi(char const *s, char (*f)(unsigned int, char)) : map f onto s.
  • void ft_striteri(char *s, void (*f)(unsigned int, char*)) : apply f to every char in s.

Some string finding functions

  • int ft_match(const char *big, const char *little, size_t len) : find little in big.
  • char *ft_strnstr(const char *big, const char *little, size_t len) : find little in big.
  • char *ft_grep(char **tab, char *word) : like shell commandgrep, used in minishell.

put fd functions

  • void ft_putchar_fd(char c, int fd) : print c to fd.
  • void ft_putstr_fd(char *s, int fd) : print s to fd.
  • void ft_putendl_fd(char *s, int fd) : print s with newline to fd.
  • void ft_putnbr_fd(int n, int fd) : print decimal int to fd.

list function (bonus)

  • t_list *ft_lstnew(void *content) : make new node.
  • void ft_lstadd_front(t_list **lst, t_list *new) : add node to front of list.
  • int ft_lstsize(t_list *lst) : size of list
  • t_list *ft_lstlast(t_list *lst) : last node of list.
  • void ft_lstadd_back(t_list **lst, t_list *new) : add node to back of list.
  • void ft_lstdelone(t_list *lst, void (*del)(void *)) : delete one node.
  • void ft_lstclear(t_list **lst, void (*del)(void *)) : clear list.
  • void ft_lstiter(t_list *lst, void (*f)(void *)) : apply f to every node in lst.
  • t_list *ft_lstmap(t_list *lst, void *(*f)(void *), void (*del)(void *)) : map f onto lst.

Get_next_line (added to this library from project 42_get_next_line)

  • char* get_next_line(int fd) : get next line from file.
  • int ft_lastchar(char *line) : return last char in line.
  • int ft_linelen(char *s) : length of s until first \0.
  • void* free_strs(char **buffer, char *line) : free buffer and line.
  • void update_buffer(char *buffer) : remove first line from buffer.

Ft_printf (added to this library from project 42_printf

  • int ft_printf(const char *format, ...) : simplified version of prinf.

Some additional functions that no-one asked for

  • void ft_freetab(void **tab) : free double array.
  • int ft_tablen(void **tab) : length of double array.
  • void ft_copytab(void **dest, void **src) : copy source to destination.
  • int ft_min(int a, int b): minimum of a and b.
  • int ft_max(int a, int b): maximum of a and b.