
ft_transcendence in development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ft_transcendence in development

Hope this will help a little bit

Setting up Django in your Computer/Virtual Box

1. Install Python3 (If not installed Already)

2. Install pip3

3. Install pipenv using pip3

  a) pip3 install pipenv or
  b) sudo apt install pipenv(for me only this worked)

4. Go to the project folder and

 a) pipenv install django
 b) pipenv shell
 c) code .

5. Create a project Pong

django-admin startproject pong .

Run your Django Server

python manage.py startapp playpong
python manage.py runserver
("Deciding a port number is optional by default 8000")

Setting in the files to make Pong.js and Pong.html work

  • in settings.py append playpong

  • image


  • 'playpong'

  • ]

  • add this as well

  • image

    inside playpong Folder create 2 folder templates and static and put pong.js and pong.html


    make these changes in pong.html


    in playpong/views.py define a function like this


    finally we need to have playpong/urls.py to call our function make it like this


    Also inside the pong/urls.py make these changes


IF the server is already running from before it will update itself after saving all files.

To start again

python manage.py runserver

Path to the pong game as described above