Java Web Development Basics course at SoftUni - Java EE - Jan 2019
Lab - simple tasks
SoftUni Beers - simple multi-page app
- HTTP Protocol and State Management - simple parsing and constructing of HTTP requests and responses, implemented in a funny way :)
- Java EE - finally something more advanced :)
Fluffy Duffy Munchkin Cats - servlets, servlet context as storage, custom HTML templating, HTML & CSS only, use of static resources
Chushka - a simple Web application with Servlets and Hibernate, deployed on TomEE. The most important part was the configuration (described in details at the link). Highlights:
- JTA enabled EntityManager
- Enum with AttributeConverter
- Lombok - deal with code noise in POJOs
- Creating beans of external classes by @Produces annotation
- Access to resource files by relative path
- Custom HTML templating
Me Tube - A simple Web application with Servlets, JSP and Hibernate, deployed on TomEE. Details provided at the link. Highlights:
- JTA enabled EntityManager
- Use of NamedQueries in repositories for retrieving data
- Lombok - deal with code noise in POJOs
- Creating beans of external classes by @Produces annotation
- Access static resources in JSP files
- Basic JSP templating
- Bind model from request parameters in Filter (using Reflection)
- Service methods used for retrieving data accept desired return data type (ViewModel)
Workshop Me Tube Extended - Refactoring, new functionality:
- CRUD repository, extensive use of Generics for type safety, Optional<>, logging
- Exported common service logic to base class, Generics
- Use of Jargon2 for password hashing
Employee Register - Simple single page web application with JSF and Hibernate, deployed on TomEE.
- Same setup as in Me Tube Extended
- PrimeFaces
Fluffy Duffy Munchkin Cats v2 - Simple 3-page web application with JSF and Hibernate, deployed on TomEE.
- Same setup as in Employee Register
- datatables - advanced interaction controls to HTML tables - JavaScript
- Restrict access to server resources and data - web.xml
- Activate JSF 2.3 by annotation - ApplicationConfig
- Routing with rewrite using HttpConfigurationProvider class
- Date converter for parsing input strings
- Simple JSF templating
- Exam preparations:
- - Simple multi-page 2-entities web application with JSF and Hibernate, deployed on TomEE.
- Same setup as in Fluffy Duffy Munchkin Cats v2
- Static resources caching by filter
- Static resources compression using OmniFaces, setup in web.xml
- Final exam (24/02/2019):
- EXODIA - Simple multi-page 2-entities web application with JSF and Hibernate, deployed on TomEE.
- Same setup as in
- Convert Markdown data to PDF format with Markdown2Pdf
- Build of PDF file and download by client