
Sonata admin bundle for martin1982/live-broadcast-bundle

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Live Broadcast Sonata Admin Bundle

Build status Latest stable version

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The Live Broadcast Bundle will make it possible to plan live video streams to various channels like Twitch, YouTube Live, Facebook Live (referred to as Output or Channels).

As "Input" we support files, URLs or existing RTMP streams.

For more info you can view the latest recorded presentation below, check the demo project at https://github.com/Martin1982/live-broadcast-demo or read on;



The Broadcaster needs a few commands;

  • ffmpeg 3.x or higher

On Linux:

  • ps
  • kill

On Mac:

  • ps
  • grep
  • kill

On Windows:

  • tasklist
  • taskkill

To test these prerequisites the Symfony command livebroadcaster:test:shell can be used after the installation described below.

Basic installation

This bundle will be made available on Packagist. You can then install it using Composer:

$ composer require martin1982/live-broadcast-bundle

Next, for Symfony < 4 enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Martin1982\LiveBroadcastBundle\LiveBroadcastBundle(),

Use Doctrine to update your database schema with the broadcasting entities, when upgrading it is recommended to use migrations.

To start the broadcast scheduler you can run the following command:

$ php app/console livebroadcaster:broadcast

To make broadcast planning available through an admin interface we've added support for the Sonata Admin bundle.

FFMpeg log directory

To view the output of FFMpeg you need to configure a log directory in your app/config/config.yml.

        log_directory: '%kernel.logs_dir%'

Event loop

You can use this configuration to set the event loop timer:

        timer: 5

Thumbnail setup

Set up the following config for thumbnails:

        upload_directory: '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/thumbnails'
        web_path: '/uploads/thumbnails'

Enabling Facebook Live

Create a Facebook app on https://developers.facebook.com with the following permissions:

  • user_videos
  • user_events
  • user_managed_groups
  • manage_pages
  • publish_actions
  • Live-Video API

Edit your app/config/config.yml with the following configuration:

        application_id: YourFacebookAppId
        application_secret: YourFacebookAppSecret

Enabling YouTube Live

Login to https://console.developers.google.com/ and enable the 'YouTube Data API v3'.

Setup oAuth Credentials for your server. In case you're using the Sonata Admin from this bundle the redirect URI's path is <your domain>/admin/channel/youtube/oauthprovider

Add the YouTube API info to your config.yml:

        client_id: YourGoogleOauthClientId
        client_secret: YourGoogleOauthClientSecret
        redirect_route: admin_martin1982_livebroadcast_channel_abstractchannel_youtubeoauth

Add these lines to your parameters.yml (used for generating a thumbnail URL)

    router.request_context.host: broadcast.com
    router.request_context.scheme: https

Add new output platforms

Create a new Channel Entity in Entity/Channel that extends the AbstractChannel (e.g. ChannelNew)

Create a new StreamOutput service in Service/StreamOutput that implements the OutputInterface (e.g. OutputNew)

Configure the service with the output tag in Resources/config/services.yml

    class: Martin1982\LiveBroadcastBundle\Service\StreamOutput\OutputNew
        - { name: live.broadcast.output, platform: 'New' }

To add support for Sonata admin; add a new form for the Channel in Admin/ChannelAdmin.php

protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
    if ($subject instanceof ChannelNew) {
        $formMapper->add('...', 'text', array('label' => '...'));

Next add the subclass for the channelAdmin in Resources/config/admin.yml for

        - [setConfiguredSubclasses, [ { "Name": Martin1982\LiveBroadcastBundle\Entity\Channel\ChannelNew } ] ]

Admin GUI support

This package is created to support Sonata Admin for the Web GUI interface, there are other flavours available from Packagist with no GUI (the base martin1982/live-broadcast-bundle package) and EasyAdmin (martin1982/live-broadcast-easyadmin-bundle).