
Kubernetes controller to control the integration and testing in App Studio

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AppStudio Integration Service

The AppStudio Integration Service is a Kubernetes operator to control the integration and testing of AppStudio-managed Application Component builds in Red Hat AppStudio.

Running, building and testing the operator

This operator provides a Makefile to run all the usual development tasks. This file can be used by cloning the repository and running make over any of the provided targets.

Running the operator locally

When testing locally (eg. a CRC cluster), the command make run install can be used to deploy and run the operator. If any change has been done in the code, make manifests generate should be executed before to generate the new resources and build the operator.

Build and push a new image

To build the operator and push a new image to the registry, the following commands can be used:

$ make img-build
$ make img-push

These commands will use the default image and tag. To modify them, new values for TAG and IMG environment variables can be passed. For example, to override the tag:

$ TAG=my-tag make img-build
$ TAG=my-tag make img-push

Or, in the case the image should be pushed to a different repository:

$ IMG=quay.io/user/integration-service:my-tag make img-build
$ IMG=quay.io/user/integration-service:my-tag make img-push

Running tests

To test the code, simply run make test. This command will fetch all the required dependencies and test the code. The test coverage will be reported at the end, once all the tests have been executed.