
My solution of Advent Of Code 2018

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

My Advent Of Code 2018 solutions

My solutions so far

Although I have limited time only I started to solve some AOC puzzles. This is the repository of my CL solutions as far as I get.

Furthermore I want to try some CL libraries like alexandria, iterate, cl-annot, cl-arrows, cl-ppcre, split-sequence or anaphora. I use lisp-unit for testing but not very persistent.

I must confess that I found inspiration in other repositories like Phil! Gold’s or Nuno Trocado’s when I was stuck searching for a solution.

Clone the repository to a directory and then run the following commands inside your REPL to run the first puzzle.

(asdf:make :aoc18)
(in-package :aoc-18)