
Delphi Instagram and Twitter Client, Analytics, and Misc library code

Primary LanguagePascal


GitHub repo for open sourced MCH Software

Files / Folders:

  • KnowComment: A Delphi client for Instagram (and eventually Twitter too, but needs a few fixes).

  • CoCoDM: A Delphi port of the CoCo/R parser generator.

  • ProjectXPlant: A handy utility which parses delphi project files and copies projects from one location to another.

  • CheckIn: Simple hard-coded COVID-19 inspired web application.

    • Requires users to check-in online regularly.
    • Sends notifications to nominated contacts if they don't.
  • Sudoku: A sudoku solver.

    • Simple testapp for Exact cover DLX algorithm. Allows you to load, save, and solve sudoku problems fast.
  • Sudoku / Symmetries.

    • Some ways of finding isomorphic board configurations.
      • Graph method has errors, but included for interest.
      • Fastest is "CellCountMT", still being optimised.
  • MFract.

    • A simple fractal generator (Mandelbrot / Julia). Install MCHComponents bpl first.

Common: Common utility code, including:

  • MCHComponents visual component library (required for MFract - TSizeableImage).

    • Open project, right click MCHComponents.bpl, select "install" to add to IDE palette.
  • Raw AVL tree.

  • Read and Write cached memory streams.

  • Doubly linked lists.

  • HTML / JSON / CSS / Javascript parsers.

  • HTTP fetcher.

  • Combined HTTP fetch and document parse.

  • Indexed store (see http://www.martincharvey.net/ for more info).

  • Logging code.

  • Lightweight in memory database engine. Currently suitable for relatively small (in modern terms) datasets. E-mail me for an explanation of limitations.

  • Ordinal set handling.

  • Reconfigurable lexer.

  • Custom object streaming system.

  • Debug object tracking.

  • Custom threadpool implementation.

  • Sparse Matrices.

  • DLX like "Algorithm X" implementation for the exact cover problem.

Additional testapps and utility code.

  • MemDB testapp: Common/MemDB/Test/
  • Lexer testapp: Common/SoftLexer/Test/
  • Streaming system testapp: Common/StreamingSystem/Test/
  • Threadpool testapp: Common/WorkItems/Test/
  • Threadpool testapp: Common/WorkItems/Test2/
  • Threadpool testapp: Common/WorkItems/Test3/
  • Instagram / Twitter importer testapp MMapper/
  • FetchParse library testapp: PageMapper/
  • Sparse Matrix testapp Commmon/SparseMatrix/Test
  • ExactCover testapp Common/ExactCover/Test
  • Batch Sudoku solver (Sudoku/BatchThreadedSolver)

Future development plans:

  • Clean up parser error recovery code with a "standard" lexer.
  • MemDB: Segregate indexing to allow parallelism per-index when building.
  • Indexed Store: Equivalent using 2-3-4 trees?
  • MemDB: Query engine.
  • MemDB (long term): Store on disk, not mem, or is that a step to the past?
  • Investigate compilability under FreePascal compiler.
  • Investigate portability to mobile apps.

Comments / queries to martin_c_harvey@hotmail.com