This is a monorepo managed by lerna. There are two services:
- Converter app consisting of client and server (app)
- wrapper for api (api)
These services use library packages from (packages/libs).
Services are to be deployed as Docker containers.
To run the stack in containers:
- Create config/production.js file, e.g.:
module.exports = {
APP: {
SERVER_PORT: "3000",
API: {
URL: "http://localhost:3001",
SERVER_PORT: "3001",
- Build a common image shared by app and api images
$ yarn docker:prebuild
- Build individual app and api images
$ yarn docker:build
- Now you can start all containers at once:
$ yarn docker:up
Or separately:
$ yarn docker:db -d # elasticsearch + kibana
$ yarn docker:services -d # app + api
You can access the app at http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Wrapper for api
- Avoid calling api, if the data has already been requested for the given date.
- Use ElasticSearch for tracking the client requests and request statistics aggregation
Known Issue
- API package: reading aggregate from elasticsearch after updating index does not reflect the recent changes -> possible solution is to use GraphQL Subscriptions
- packages/libs/fixerio
- packages/services/api
- packages/services/app/client
- docker registry
- gitlab-ci.yml / github/workflows