
what3words is a common lisp wrapper for the what3words.com api

Primary LanguageCommon LispOtherNOASSERTION

Common Lisp API for http://what3words.com/

Implementation of the api-functions described at https://docs.what3words.com/api/v2/

Hello World example

Load library and run:

(what3words:position-to-three-words 51.484463 -0.195405 :key "your-w3w-key")


Existing functions:

  • three-words-to-position
  • position-to-three-words
  • get-languages


  • Modified existing functions to work with the v2 api of w3w
  • The v1 api of w3w will be disabled on end of November according to the w3w website.


  • drakma (ql:quickload :drakma)
  • jsown (ql:quickload :jsown)
  • cl-ppcre (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) (should be already loaded with drakma)


Run the following function after loading the library:

(what3words-test:test "your-w3w-key")

Works on:

  • SBCL on Debian GNU/Linux
  • CCl on Debian GNU/Linux


To try the examples you have to 'sign up for API' on http://developer.what3words.com/ to get your API-key

You can pass the key to the functions through the :key parameter or set the key variable:

(setf what3words:*key* "your-w3w-key")

Convert 3 words to position

(defun three-words-to-position (three-words &key (language nil) (corners nil) (key *key*) (raise-error nil))
  • three-words List of three words or string of three words with dots .
  • language set to NIL (default) for default language or set language-code as provided from get-languages; use only if you want to return 3 words in a different language then the language of the 3 words you submitted (can be used for translation of '3 words')
  • corners set to NIL (default)for the center-coordinates of the w3w square, set to true for the southwest and northeast coordinates of the square
  • key your w3w api-key, key is set to what3words:key by default
  • raise-error set to true if you want to raise errors based on the error messages from w3w, set to NIL (default) to get w3w error messages as return value of the function

returns (multiple return values):

  • position (list)
  • type (string)
  • three words (list)
  • language (language-code, string)
  • corners (positions of southwest and northeast corners or nil)

API-URL: https://api.what3words.com/v2/forward


three-words-to-position returns multiple values (coordinates, type, 3-words, corners)

WHAT3WORDS> (three-words-to-position (list "prom" "cape" "pump"))
(51484463/1000000 -39081/200000)
"3 words"
("prom" "cape" "pump")
WHAT3WORDS> (three-words-to-position (list "prom" "cape" "pump") :language "de")
(51484463/1000000 -39081/200000)
"3 words"
("scholle" "lohn" "gleichheit") ;; Translation of prom cape pump
WHAT3WORDS> (three-words-to-position (list "prom" "cape" "pump") :corners t)
(51484463/1000000 -39081/200000)
"3 words"
("prom" "cape" "pump")
((51484449/1000000 -97713/500000) (12871119/250000 -195383/1000000))

Convert position to 3 words

(defun position-to-three-words (latitude longitude &key (language nil) (corners nil) (key *key*) (raise-error nil))
  • latitude in degrees
  • longitude in degrees
  • language set to NIL for default language or to language-code (see get-languages)
  • `corners: true for the coordinates of the w3w square, false for the southwest and northeast coordinates of the square
  • key your w3w api-key, key is set to what3words:key by default
  • raise-error set to true if you want to raise errors based on the error messages from w3w, set to NIL (default) to get w3w error messages as return value of the function

returns (multiple return values):

  • three words (list)
  • position (list)
  • language (language-code, string)
  • corners (positions of southwest and northeast corners or nil)

API-URL: https://api.what3words.com/v2/reverse


position-to-three-words returns multiple values

WHAT3WORDS> (position-to-three-words 51.484463 -0.195405)
("prom" "cape" "pump")
(51484463/1000000 -39081/200000)

WHAT3WORDS> (position-to-three-words 51.484463 -0.195405 :language "de")
("scholle" "lohn" "gleichheit")
(51484463/1000000 -39081/200000)

WHAT3WORDS> (position-to-three-words 51.484463 -0.195405 :corners t)
("prom" "cape" "pump")
(51484463/1000000 -39081/200000)
((51484449/1000000 -97713/500000) (12871119/250000 -195383/1000000))

WHAT3WORDS> (format t "~{~A~%~}" (position-to-three-words 51.484463 -0.195405))

WHAT3WORDS> (format t "https://map.what3words.com/~{~A~^+~}" (position-to-three-words 51.484463 -0.195405))

Get list of available 3 word languages

(defun get-languages (&key (codes-only t) (key *key*) (raise-error nil))
  • codes-only if true return a list of language codes, if nil return a-list of language-codes and language-names
  • key your w3w api-key, key is set to what3words:key by default
  • raise-error set to true if you want to raise errors based on the error messages from w3w, set to NIL (default) to get w3w error messages as return value of the function

API-URL: https://api.what3words.com/v2/languages

WHAT3WORDS> (get-languages)
("de" "en" "es" "fr" "it" "pt" "ru" "sv" "sw" "tr")

WHAT3WORDS> (get-languages :codes-only nil)
(("de" . "Deutsch (beta)") ("en" . "English") ("es" . "Español (beta)")
 ("fr" . "Français (beta)") ("it" . "Italiano (beta)")
 ("pt" . "Português (beta)") ("ru" . "Русский (beta)")
 ("sv" . "Svenska (beta)") ("sw" . "Kiswahili (beta)") ("tr" . "Türkçe (beta)"))

Exception handling

Every API-Function has an optional raise-error attribute. Errors which are controlled by the raise-error attribute are the errors listed in the w3w 'Error code list' (http://developer.what3words.com/additional-reference-docs/#apierrorcodes) If raise-error is true then a w3w-api-error is thrown:

WHAT3WORDS> (handler-case (let ((*key* "testtest"))
			    (get-languages :raise-error t))
	      (w3w-api-error (e) 
		(print 'error-handling)
		(print e)
		(print (text e))
		(print (data e))))

#<W3W-API-ERROR {1006A60963}> 
"w3w error [X1]: Missing or invalid key" 
("X1" "Missing or invalid key") 
("X1" "Missing or invalid key")
; compiling (DEFPACKAGE #:WHAT3WORDS ...)

If raise-error parameter is NIL (default value) then the error-message from the w3w API is returned as mulitple values (nil, id and description). So if raise-error is NIL then the functions return NIL if an error message is submitted from what3words.

WHAT3WORDS> (let ((*key* "testtest"))
	      (get-languages :raise-error nil))
"Missing or invalid key"

I use drakma for the https requests and jsown for JSON-parsing so if one of this libraries runs into an exception they will be not handeled by the what3words library.

Development environment

  • SBCL on Debian GNU/Linux


Please see the file LICENSE in the distribution.