
Idomatic asyncio wrapper around paho-mqtt

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

license semver

MQTT client with idiomatic asyncio interface 🙌

Write code like this:

async with Client("test.mosquitto.org") as client:
    async with client.filtered_messages("floors/+/humidity") as messages:
        await client.subscribe("floors/#")
        async for message in messages:

asyncio-mqtt combines the stability of the time-proven paho-mqtt library with a modern, asyncio-based interface.

  • No more callbacks! 👍
  • No more return codes (welcome to the MqttError)
  • Graceful disconnection (forget about on_unsubscribe, on_disconnect, etc.)
  • Compatible with async code
  • Did we mention no more callbacks?

The whole thing is less than 400 lines of code.

Installation 📚

pip install asyncio-mqtt

Advanced use ⚡

Let's make the example from before more interesting:

import asyncio
from contextlib import AsyncExitStack, asynccontextmanager
from random import randrange
from asyncio_mqtt import Client, MqttError

async def advanced_example():
    # We 💛 context managers. Let's create a stack to help
    # us manage them.
    async with AsyncExitStack() as stack:
        # Keep track of the asyncio tasks that we create, so that
        # we can cancel them on exit
        tasks = set()
        stack.push_async_callback(cancel_tasks, tasks)

        # Connect to the MQTT broker
        client = Client("test.mosquitto.org")
        await stack.enter_async_context(client)

        # You can create any number of topic filters
        topic_filters = (
            # 👉 Try to add more filters!
        for topic_filter in topic_filters:
            # Log all messages that matches the filter
            manager = client.filtered_messages(topic_filter)
            messages = await stack.enter_async_context(manager)
            template = f'[topic_filter="{topic_filter}"] {{}}'
            task = asyncio.create_task(log_messages(messages, template))

        # Messages that doesn't match a filter will get logged here
        messages = await stack.enter_async_context(client.unfiltered_messages())
        task = asyncio.create_task(log_messages(messages, "[unfiltered] {}"))

        # Subscribe to topic(s)
        # 🤔 Note that we subscribe *after* starting the message
        # loggers. Otherwise, we may miss retained messages.
        await client.subscribe("floors/#")

        # Publish a random value to each of these topics
        topics = (
            # 👉 Try to add more topics!
        task = asyncio.create_task(post_to_topics(client, topics))

        # Wait for everything to complete (or fail due to, e.g., network
        # errors)
        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

async def post_to_topics(client, topics):
    while True:
        for topic in topics:
            message = randrange(100)
            print(f'[topic="{topic}"] Publishing message={message}')
            await client.publish(topic, message, qos=1)
            await asyncio.sleep(2)

async def log_messages(messages, template):
    async for message in messages:
        # 🤔 Note that we assume that the message paylod is an
        # UTF8-encoded string (hence the `bytes.decode` call).

async def cancel_tasks(tasks):
    for task in tasks:
        if task.done():
            await task
        except asyncio.CancelledError:

async def main():
    # Run the advanced_example indefinitely. Reconnect automatically
    # if the connection is lost.
    reconnect_interval = 3  # [seconds]
    while True:
            await advanced_example()
        except MqttError as error:
            print(f'Error "{error}". Reconnecting in {reconnect_interval} seconds.')
            await asyncio.sleep(reconnect_interval)


Alternative asyncio-based MQTT clients

Is asyncio-mqtt not what you are looking for? Try another client:

  • hbmqtt - Own protocol implementation. Includes a broker.
    GitHub stars license
  • gmqtt - Own protocol implementation. No dependencies.
    GitHub stars license
  • aiomqtt - Wrapper around paho-mqtt.
    GitHub stars license
  • mqttools - Own protocol implementation. No dependencies.
    GitHub stars license
  • aio-mqtt - Own protocol implementation. No dependencies.
    GitHub stars license

This is not an exhaustive list.

Honorable mentions


Python 3.7 or later.

There is only a single dependency:

Note for Windows Users

Since Python 3.8, the default asyncio event loop is the ProactorEventLoop. Said loop doesn't support the add_reader method that is required by asyncio-mqtt. To use asyncio-mqtt, please switch to an event loop that supports the add_reader method such as the built-in SelectorEventLoop. E.g:

# Change to the "Selector" event loop
# Run your async application as usual


Please refer to the CHANGELOG document. It adheres to the principles of Keep a Changelog.



This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Expect API changes until we reach version 1.0.0. After 1.0.0, breaking changes will only occur in major release (e.g., 2.0.0, 3.0.0, etc.).



Note that the underlying paho-mqtt library is dual-licensed. One of the licenses is the so-called Eclipse Distribution License v1.0. It is almost word-for-word identical to the BSD 3-clause License. The only differences are:

  • One use of "COPYRIGHT OWNER" (EDL) instead of "COPYRIGHT HOLDER" (BSD)
  • One use of "Eclipse Foundation, Inc." (EDL) instead of "copyright holder" (BSD)