
A utility for watching a list of websites for changes


  1. Rename config.sample.yml to config.yml
  2. Add your gmail email and password to the config file
  3. Add a single or a comma-separated list of recipients to the config file
  4. (Optionally) edit the subject. Make sure to add a %s-sign somewhere, where the time will be displayed.
  5. Edit the cookies in the config.
  6. Make sure that "less secure" applications can log in with your credentials by visiting https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps and selecting Turn on.
  7. Create a list of urls separated by a newline.
  8. (Possibly) install the missing PyYAML dependency by running pip install pyyaml
  9. Pass it into webwatcher by running python webwatcher.py /path/to/file.txt