ThunderGP: Efficient Graph Processing on OpenCL-based FPGAs


  • The gcc-4.8 or above
  • The Altera OpenCL SDK 16.0.2 for FPGA
  • The De5net board

Run the code

Do not forget to set the PATH of the dataset.

$ cd ./
$ make  # make the host execution program
$ aoc ./src/ -o ./bin/graph_fpga.aocx  # make the FPGA execution program. It takes time.
$ cd ./bin
$ ./host

Cite this work

If you use ThunderGP in your paper, please cite our work (full version).

  title={On-The-Fly Parallel Data Shuffling for Graph Processing on OpenCL-based FPGAs},
  author={Chen, Xinyu and Bajaj, Ronak and Chen, Yao and He, Jiong and He, Bingsheng and Wong, Weng-Fai and Chen, Deming},
  booktitle={2019 29th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)},

Related publications

  • Xinyu Chen*, Ronak Bajaj^, Yao Chen, Jiong He, Bingsheng He, Weng-Fai Wong and Deming Chen. Is FPGA useful for hash joins. CIDR 2020: Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research

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