Reinforcement Learning with R

Primary LanguageR


Reinforcement Learning with R

This R package has the goal to bring some known - and newly developed - Machine Learning algorithms to R.

Current developement focuses on examining and analysing different learning algorithms, such as Q-Learning or A3C, in the context of finding best answers to the repeated prisoners dilemma (see the package skranz/StratTourn). This package provides the newly developed features discussed in the dissertation of Martin Kies (to be published). Syntax may change at any time as this repository is in ongoing development - update with precaution!

There are three showcases with which an easy start is possible:

  • Showcase Improved Q-Learning with Gradient Boosting.R shows the standard case if one wants to has a reasonable fast estimate about the stability of a strategy with gradient boosting.
  • Showcase Improved Q-Learning with RNN-LSTM.R is identical, except that it is already shown which parameters have to be changed if one wants to play a tournament. Here, everything is already parameterized so that an RNN with LSTM Cells is trained.
  • Showcase Showcase Normal Q-Learning with NN.R shows basic Q-Learning and the Syntax if one wants use a Neural Network.

Defining the interface between games and learning algorithms:

Every Game has to provide the following function:

Get.Game.Object.() which returns a list (called "game.object") which should have the following list elements:

  • name - A String indicating the Name of the played game.
  • supports - A Vector of strings with optional features (if applicable) ** memory.self.play - One can extend the initialised memory of an algorithm with other strategies. In this case the memory.self.play has to be defined.
  • game.par - A function which recieves a game.object and returns a list with two elements -> input.nodes - Number of input informations after encoding the game state - in case of a Neural Network the Number of Perceptor Neurons -> output.nodes - Number of possible actions in this game.
  • state.transition - A function which receives the game.state, the action of the "player" and the game.object and returns a new game.state
  • start.state - A function which receives a game.object and returns the first game.state. The game.states cane have any structure as no algorithm should operate on game.states.
  • state.2.array - A function which receives a game.state and a game.object and returns a vector specified by an internal encoding function with all information necessary for the learning algorithm.

The following elements are optional and may not be supported by all games:

  • memory.self.play - A function which generates memories - based on the encoding - given that strategies play against themselves.

Other list elements may be used by the game functions itself. The following items are recommended:

  • game.pars - a list with parameters which are necessary e.g. to determine the course of the game or the start state of the game
  • encoding.state - a string or function specifing how the game state should be transformed to an input vector of the learning algorithm.
  • encoding.action - a string or function specifing how the chosen action of the learning algorithm matches with the actual game action

Note that structurally a game.object should never have information regarding any game.states.