
The idea of the project is to show my skills after my first job.

Primary LanguageKotlin


This app is intended to show the skills l have developed during my work at M2M Services.

The app consists of:

  1. 3 layer structure - Data, Domain and Presentation
  2. UI Specifics
    • Navigation drawer
    • Bottom navigation bar menu
    • Top navigation tool bar
    • Custom graph configurable with data
    • ViewModels
    • RecyclerView
  3. REST specifics
    • Public API
    • Fake API with mock-up data
    • Dependency injection using Dagger Hilt
    • Custom API response handling
  4. Error Handling
    • Custom configurable error dialog
  5. Custom Back-end

Coming soon:

  • Push notifications
  • Day/Night themes
  • Login/Register verification using Firebase / Backend OAuth2 verification
  • Multiple languages support
  • SearchView with options auto recommenditon
  • Data caching via Room DB
  • Google Play configuration and upload to Play Console