Based on Promise
Automatic file upload
Easy to use
Copy source code
First, you need to copy src/index.ts into your project
Import 'NxHttpClient'
import NxHttpClient, { Method } from '{your file path}'
- Simple request
// this is async function
public async handleBtnClick() {
* new NxHttpClient(url: string, method: Method)
* url: request url
* method: request method, enumerated from 'Method'
const res = await new NxHttpClient('/api/user/{id}').build().sendAsync()
// you can process yourself
public function handleBtnClick() {
* send method will return fetch()
* so you can do what you need
new NxHttpClient('/api/user/{id}').build().send().then(res => {
}).then(data => {
- Add request params
// you can use addParams to add request params
public async handleBtnClick() {
const res = await new NxHttpClient('/api/user', Method.POST)
_id: 1,
name: "404 Not Found."
- Add request headers
* Note that:
* For GET method,params will be parsed into url string
* Like this:
* https://www.baidu.com params: { wd: "kotlin" }
* -> https://www.baidu.com/?wd=kotlin
* For another method,NxHttpClient will automatic add 'appliciton/json' into headers
* You can custom it by addHeaders()
public async handleBtnClick() {
const res = await new NxHttpClient('/api/user', Method.PUT)
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'x-www-form-urlencoded'
_id: 0,
name: "404 Not Found."
- Also you can upload file/files
export default class App extends React.Component {
private fileSelector: any = React.createRef<HTMLElement>()
render() {
return (
<input type="file" ref={this.fileSelector} multiple={true}>
<button onClick={this.handleBtnClick.bind(this)}>UPLOAD</button>
private async handleBtnClick() {
const res = new NxHttpClient('/api/upload/multi', Method.POST)
// you can add params in the same times
name: "xxxxx"
// file tag corresponding backend receiving parameters
// you can addFiles() or addFile()