
This installer provides you with a minimal set of files that lets you set-up all required resources for KAMP-DSL development.

Primary LanguageJava



This installer provides you with a minimal set of files that lets you set-up all required resources for KAMP-DSL development much faster than a manual installation. For a manual install refer to the README of KAMP-DSL.

PART 1 (Installation)

  • Download Eclipse Oxygen (Eclipse IDE for Java Developers)
  • Clone this repository in order to have access to the following files: KAMP.launch, kamp_ruledsl_all_software_components.p2f, projectSet.psf
  • Import -> Install Software Items from File -> Select File kamp_ruledsl_all_software_components.p2f
  • Security Warning -> Install Anyway
  • Popup appears -> Restart Eclipse Now

After Eclipse restarts:

  • Change file encoding to UTF-8: Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace : Text file encoding

  • Import all Sources: Import -> Team -> Team Project Set -> Select File projectSet.psf

  • Change Package Explorer View: Arrow down -> Top Level Elements -> Working Sets

  • Wait some time until all references are resolved and workspace build process finished - you may watch the progress using the Progress view: Window -> Show View -> Progress

  • Trigger the mwe2 Workflow: Navigate into KAMP-DSL/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.kamp.ruledsl/src/ -> package edu.kit.ipd.sdq.kamp.ruledsl, right click on GenerateKampRuleLanguage.mwe2 -> Run as -> MWE2 Workflow (ignore errors during launch because they will be resolved later);

    • Open the console: Window -> Show view -> Console and watch the progress
    • When it says 'Done.' we are... done!
  • Import Launch Configuration using File -> Import -> Run/Debug -> Launch Configurations -> Select the File KAMP.launch -> Select all configs -> OK

    Why? we provide a custom launch configuration in order to limit the bundles which are loaded at startup and thus elminating errors by these unnecessary bundles

  • Run -> KAMP (use the imported launch configuration)

Known Issues

If you have projects inside your %HOME%/git directory and their names collide with those imported by the Team Project Set, you may get error messages. There is a simple workaround for this issue. Navigate into Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git. There is a header called Cloning repositories -> change the Default repository folder.

PART 2 (Create a simple project)

Create the KAMP4BP Project

  • Click on File -> New -> Other... -> Plugin-Project

    • set 'Project name' e.g. 'MyKampProject' and then click Next -> Finish
    • Eclipse Confirmation Dialog may appear which asks if you want to change the perspective. I do not recommend to do it, but it basically does not matter.
    • click on project root and create folder with name 'modified'
    • use this folder to insert all the following files. That means, you must right click on this folder when creating files.
  • Create the Repository Model: right click on the modified folder and select New -> Other... -> Example EMP Model Creation Wizards -> Repository Model

    • Next -> You may change the filename -> Next -> Model Object: Repository
  • Create the BPModificationmarks Model: right click on modified folder and select New -> Other... -> Example EMP Model Creation Wizards -> BPModificationmarks Model

    • Next (you may change the filename) -> Finish
  • Create the entries in repository, e.g.:

    • Double click My.repository (Repository Model Editor should open, if it does not do the following: rightclick on My.repository -> Open With -> Other... -> Repository Model Editor -> OK)

    • expand the topmost tree element (xxx/modified/My.repository)

    • right click item which states 'aName ' -> New Child -> Add OperationInterface as Interfaces

    • right click on new item -> New Child -> Add OperationSignature as Signatures

    • open Properties (if not available do the following: Window -> ShowView -> Other... -> General -> Properties) and for each new item:

      • give a menaningful name such as: MyInterface for Interface's Entity Name property, getXXX for OperationSignature and so on...
    • right click item which states 'aName ' -> New Child -> Add BasicComponent as Components

    • right click new item -> New Child -> Add OperationProvidedRole as Provided Roles

    • open Properties of the OperationProvidedRole

    • insert a meaningful Entity Name such as: MyComponent

    • click into the select box for 'Provided Interface Operation Provided Role' -> select 'Operation Interface MyInterface' (the only possibility)

  • Create the entries in modificationmarks, e.g.:

    • open modificationmarks in Modificationmarks Model Editor (analogue to steps above)

    • first, we have to import the My.repository file into the ResourceSet: We do this by right clicking into the Resource Set view -> Load Resource... -> Browse Workspace... -> modified -> OK -> OK

    • furthermore expand the topmost tree element (xxx/modified/My.modificationmarks) and the subitem BP Modification Repository

    • right click item 'BP Seed Modifications' -> New Child -> IS Modify Signature

    • open Properties of the new item 'IS Modify Signature'

    • Click into the select box for 'Affected Element' and select 'Operation Signature getXXX' (the only possibility)

Now that you know how to create the models, I just tell you what to do for the next one not how to do it. You should be able to do it on your own now ;) -- please note that this guide is written towards a total beginner audience, that is why this is mentioned here

  • Create a new model of type 'bpusagemodel' with a 'Usage Scenario' as first child
    • Add the bpusagemodel into the ResourceSet of the My.modificationmarks file via Load Resource... etc. (see steps above)
    • Add a 'Scenario Behaviour' to the 'Usage Scenario' as direct child element
    • Add an 'Entry Level System Call' as child item of the 'Scenario Behaviour'
    • Give the 'Entry Level System Call' the following properties: Entity Name -> mainMethodCall, Operation Signature Entry Level System Call -> Operation Signature getXXX (the only possible option)

If you do not see items in the select field, make sure to import all resources you created in previous steps inside the Resource Set.

Now we have successfully set up a simple exemplary model.

Create the Rules

  • Right click on MyKampProject -> Create Rule Definition File
  • Double click on rules.karl (it is located inside the project root)
  • If a dialog asks you to convert the project into an Xtext project -> Yes
  • Paste in the example contents from: rules.karl sample file
  • Save the file
  • Apply the quick fix which is proposed (Add all Vitruvius dependencies)
  • Make some change to the file (e.g. add a comment) -> Save the file
  • Now the MyKampProject-rules project should be built automatically
    • If an error occured, you can ignore it. It is a known bug (#25) that on setup something might go wrong
    • If you got an error but the project is created, you may ensure everything is ok by making a change to the rules.karl file (such as adding a comment) -> Save the rules.karl file * Now a rebuilt is triggered which will fix all possible erros (such as missing dependencies) * The rebuild should finish without error!
    • Now you have successfully set up the rule creation
    • You can verify it by opening the My.modificationmarks file with the Modificationmarks Model Editor -> right click on BP Modification Repository -> Step 3: Calculate change propagation
    • Now all steps should be computed as expected
    • You will also get a dialog which says: 'Custom rule is working!'
    • Now you may go on writing more advanced KAMP rules!

Please note: There are currently some open bugs. If you experience errors, please check if it is a known issue first before contacting a developer. Github Issues: https://github.com/MartinLoeper/KAMP-DSL/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abug

PART 3 (advanced- how to test the lookup and apply method)

  • Open the file src.RuleProviderImpl.java and remove the custom rule which was added via override (i.e. remove the whole override method invokation with the sample anonymous class)
  • create a subclass of the TestRule called 'MyTestRule' inside the src package
  • override the apply method
  • call the lookup method inside your overriden apply method
  • you may output the result to System.out: please note that it written to the outer Eclipse console
  • you may also output the result via a message dialog, see sample call:
final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append("We found the following elements:\n");


Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
        MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, "Rule Lookup Result", message.toString());

In order to call the method appropriately, you may use the following code:

LookupUtil.lookupMarkedObjectsWithLookupMethod(version, OperationSignature.class, org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.EntryLevelSystemCall.class, TestRule::lookupEntryLevelSystemCallfromOperationSignature)
    .forEach((result) -> {	
	System.out.println("Lookup retrieved: " + result.getElement().getEntityName());

Do not forget to add the following inside the onRegisterReady method of your RuleProviderImpl class inside the source package: override(new MyTestRule());

This unregisters the generated TestRule and registers your MyTestRule.

PART 4 (CoCoME Example)

There is an example for replacing a KAMP internal rule with one which is expressed using KAMP-DSL. Please visit the Example Wiki Topic.


  • explain how to deactivate the standard rules
  • what happens if client code triggers an exception
  • what are the current limititions and known bugs (e.g. one project per workspace)
  • what exceptions might be thrown (e.g. for backreferences if kamp module does not implement the CrossReferenceProvider interface)
  • some tricks such as displaying a MessageDialog (see snippet above)
  • how to extend the generated rules (and how are the rules named... name+'Rule' classname) and limititions such as public constructor
    • one may implement a subclass or an anonymous class
  • how to insert the lookups into the tree? (PART 3)
  • mention a separate install config for Neon since Oxygen is the current version now and all others are deprecated!!
  • mention: the team set references the Rule branches not master -> change this in future once the module is stable