
The answers for all labs, hws, and projects in CS61A :apple:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi 👋

This is my personal learning record for CS61A-Fall-2021 of UC-Berkeley. I once heard that it's an amazing cs course and it's very helpful for those who are new to programming, so I decided to take this course to see if I could learn something new.

To be honest, this is the best introductory computer programming class I've ever taken. Even for me, a CS student, some of the problems are still challenging. How I wish I could take a class like this when I was an undergraduate

The official website: https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa21/. If you want a better reading experience, you may visit my blog.


All materials can be found on this offical page: https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa21/





  • High order functions 👍
  • Recursion 👍 I really like this one
  • Scheme language 👍 This is brand new knowledge for me
  • BNF 👍
  • Abstraction 👍 The most import concept in CS in my opinion.

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