Project 2 QuaranSale




This project creates a website called QuaranSalw where sellers can create a page for their personal online garage sale. Buyers will be able to access the sales both from an individual seller's link to their sale page, or from a list of all sales on the Buyers page of the QuaranSale website. The website will have the following pages:

  • Front page - Title page with links to pages for Buyer and Seller
  • Buyer page - List of available sales with a link to each sale page
  • Seller Login page - Enables sellers to create an account and log into the website
  • Seller page - Form where the seller enters their personal information and the information about the items they want list for sale
  • Sale pages - Pages created each time a seller completes the form on the seller page and displays items for sale
  • About Us/Articles page - under construction

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • License
  • Contributing
  • Tests
  • Questions


  1. Copy the server.js, package.json, and files, then copy the config, models, public, and routes folders and the files they contain.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Create a quaranSale empty sql database.


Please contact us before using this code to create your own instance of the QuaranSale website.



Not currently accepting contributions.



If you have any questions please contact us at, or view the repo at Project 2: QuaranSale.