Demo project with front-end predictions on time-series data

This app is bootstapped with create-react-app

  • CRA
  • TypeScript
  • Recharts.js
  • Ant
  • nostradamus

It contain 2 parts:

  • data representations and charts in DataGrid component and sub-components
  • forecast module in /src/utils/dataManagers/forecastManager.tsx


It contain components with different charts.

There are original data and utils to process it to get predictions and fit this data back into chart.

Forecast manager

Its aim is to get input data: number[] and return another number[] with predictions.

It relies on Holt-Winters algorithm to calculate values.

It have 2 versions

  • normal one, which can be called as getPredictions( inputData: number[], config: ForecastConfig )
  • specific for cases when we dont know config params, or dont have enough data to build more accurate predictions, which can be called as uncertainPredictions = ( inputData: number[] ). Example - DataMiss component. This fn calculate possible period size and number of observations to predict based on available data.

You can find usage examples of both of them in the project.