Python package for fiber fusing simulations. This package allow the user to defined an initial fibre configuration and simulate the fusion process as a funciton of the fusion degree parameter. At the moment a total of seven pre-defined structure are present: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, 19x19.
All the latest available documentation is available here or you can click the following badge:
As simple as it gets using pip
>>> pip install FiberFusing
To test localy (with cloning the GitHub repository) you'll need to install the dependencies and run the coverage command as
>>> git clone
>>> cd FiberFusing
>>> pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
>>> coverage run --source=FiberFusing --module pytest --verbose tests
>>> coverage report --show-missing
Plenty of examples are available online, I invite you to check the examples section of the documentation.
As of 2021 the project is still under development if you want to collaborate it would be a pleasure. I encourage you to contact me.
FiberFusing was written by Martin Poinsinet de Sivry-Houle .