- numpy 1.16.4
- scipy 1.3.0
- matplotlib 3.1.0
- joblib 0.13.2
- cvxpy 1.0.24
- sklearn 0.0
- jupyter notebook
- tensorflow 1.13.1
- pprint 0.1
- seaborn 0.9.0
to install these packages simply run: pip install PACKAGENAME
The goal of this framework is the creation of the Information Plane as introduced by the paper "Opening the Black Box of Deep Neural Networks via Information" by Ravid Shwartz-Ziv and Naftali Tishby (2017) To do so, it allows for easy data collection using a Keras callback function. With the recorded data a simple function call calculates mutual information with a prior specified estimator
Estimator options:
1. Binning
3. KDE upper bound
4. KDE lower bound
5. KSG discrete (-data)
6. KSG mixture
7. KSG continous
Example Jupyter Notebook files are provided illustrating the process
To run the experiments for the two datastes simply run: python3 data_collection.py and python3 MNISTdata_collection.py or the relevant notebook.
To reproduce plots and values run:
- data_collection.py
- Empty_Bins.ipynb
- X_Y_Entropy_and_MI_comparison.ipynb
- early_stop_book.ipynb
- nn_pruning.ipynb
Look at Example_Usage.ipynb
Steps for data collection:
define outputobject to store values outputs = classes.Outputs()
define model: e.g.:
model = Sequential()<br/> model.add(InputLayer((x_train.shape[1],)))<br/> model.add(Dense(10))<br/> model.add(Activation("tanh"))<br/> model.add(Dense(7))<br/> model.add(Activation("tanh"))<br/> model.add(Flatten())<br/> model.add(Dense(y_train.shape[1]))<br/> model.add(Activation("softmax"))
or load one of the predefined ones (archhitecture is predefined name) e. g.
model, architecture = model_selection.select_model(model_nr, nr_of_epochs, dataset_name, X_train.shape, y_train)
available model_nr:
model 1 = model with leading ReLU
model 2 = model with leading TanH
model 3 = full ReLU
model 4 = full TanH
. . . -
define callback function:
output_recording = LambdaCallback(on_epoch_end=lambda epoch, logs: Callbacks.record_activations(outputs, model, epoch, X_train, X_test, y_test, batch, record_all_flag, rec_test_flag, specific_records=[nr_of_epochs-1]))
- outputs: output object
- model: keras model
- epoch: current epoch index (automatically put it dont change)
- data_input: traning input data
- x_test: test data input
- y_test: test data output
- batchsize: batch size for training
- record_all_flag: flag that decides if all epochs are recorded ormreduced amount (full increases comput. complexity significantly)
- rec_test_flag: flag that decides if intermediate test scores are recorded
- specific_records: list of specific epochs that shoould be recorded
define optimzer and compile model like in normal Keras
fit model and add the callback function. also safe history:
e.g.history = model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=nr_of_epochs, batch_size=batch, validation_split=0.2, callbacks = [output_recording])
get model score and add to output object (and history if you want to plot it using plotting.plot_history)
e.g.score = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=0)[1]<br/> outputs.model_score = score<br/>
potentially plot loss functions and test development:
e.g.plotting.plot_history(history, network_name, show_flag, save_plot_flag) plotting.plot_test_development(outputs.int_model_score, common_name, show_flag, save_plot_flag)
- show_flag: show plot or not
- save_plot_flag: safe plot to directory or not
choose estimator and define flag for it:
est_type_flag = 1 (Binning)<br/> 2 (EDGE)<br/> 3 (KDE upper bound)<br/> 4 (KDE lower bound)<br/> 5 (KSG discrete (-data))<br/> 6 (KSG mixture)<br/> 7 (KSG continous)<br/>
if binning was chosen define whether bin amount or size is used and size or amount of bins:
bin_size_or_nr = True (True is size) bin_amount = 0.001
define colour list for plots:
e.g.color_list = ["red", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple", "brown", "pink", "teal", "goldenrod"]
decide is separated information plane should be plotted as well (single plot for each layer):
separate_flag = False
start information plane function and decide whether to calculate in parallel or sequential:
info_plane.create_infoplane(name, X_train, y_train, outputs, est_type_flag, color_list, bin_amount, bin_size_or_nr, show_flag, separate_flag, save_flag, par_flag=parallel)