A theme / color scheme for iTerm2 based on Google's Material Design Color Palette
- 7
VS Code Support
#14 opened by kschmidt-aledade - 1
Light Theme
#16 opened by kencano - 5
- 1
- 3
- 2
Font name?
#12 opened by sschmid - 0
Import Failed
#11 opened by NikolaySav - 1
List hex codes in README
#10 opened by Arudarin - 3
- 1
Htop or something else?
#7 opened by kushalhalder - 3
tldr client
#6 opened by grigorii-horos - 13
theme causes vim to be uber bright
#3 opened by agreco - 3
- 8
Font colors not changing
#4 opened by nakulcr7