Verteilte Systeme, UE - WS 2016/17 184.167 - Lab 1


This program is based on the framework we got for this lab from the Institute of Information Systems. I used the shell as stated in the example from the TUWEL course and the testing framework.



The server operates in a single thread with a threadpool that spawns 2 threads (TCP/UDP) on each TCP ingoing connection. The pool is of the type cachedThreadPool because the server can handle even large sets of threads.


The client operates in a single thread with a threadpool that spawns 2 threads (TCP/UPD) on start, listening for incoming streams. The pool is of the type fixedThreadPool because there will never be more than 3 threads at the same time. When the client types !register <IP:Port> the client program spawns a third thread whereas a other client can connect to it over TCP. Every Thread is closed upon !exit, not on !logout since the task description says "keep as long open as possible". Once a private message !msg <recipient> <message> is sent to a !register <recipient> person, the private socket closes. This is not very effective since the person has to open a private socket for each private message but it is what the task description has


(+) Can operate a large set of TCP/UDP threads (as long as there are ressources)

(+) Manages unused threads on its own

(-) Race conditions in shell class while testing (-> framework)

(-) Conditional controlling (depending on server response) is not optimal, e.g. waiting for !ack


A lot of effort was put in this code.

  • Total ☕ cups: 24
  • Total numbers of code: 2974 (.java files)

Martin Weise © 2016