DrBC in Tensorflow 2.x: Graph neural network approach to identify high Betweenness Centrality (BC) nodes in a graph

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DrBC in Tensorflow 2.x / Keras

Implementation of DrBC approach in Tensorflow 2.x/Keras.

DrBC is a graph neural network approach to identify high Betweenness Centraliy nodes in a graph

This work is based on the initial DrBC project: Fan, Changjun and Zeng, Li and Ding, Yuhui and Chen, Muhao and Sun, Yizhou and Liu, Zhong[Learning to Identify High Betweenness Centrality Nodes from Scratch: A Novel Graph Neural Network Approach] (CIKM 2019)

Original implementation: https://github.com/FFrankyy/DrBC/

The code folder is organized as follows:

> cpp/                           Contains all the .cpp and .h files
    > PrepareBatchGraph              Prepare the batch graphs used in the tensorflow codes
    > graph                          Basic structure for graphs
    > graphUtil                      Compute the collective influence functions
    > graph_struct                   Linked list data structure for sparse graphs
    > metrics                        Compute the metrics functions such as topk accuracy and kendal tau distance
    > utils                          Compute nodes' betweenness centrality
> drbc/                          Contains all the python files for the training and model definition
> drbcython/                     Contains the python bindings for c++ files defined in 'cpp/'
> experiments/                   Will contain all the experiments in the chronological order (including models and logs)


Get the source code, and install all the dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/MartinXPN/DrBC.git
cd DrBC && pip install .


Adjust hyper-parameters in start.py, and run the following to train the model

# Change the hyperparameters in the start.py and then run it
python start.py

# Or alternatively provide all the hyperparameters via command line
python -m drbc.gym --experiment vanilla_drbc - \
        construct_datasets --min_nodes 4000 --max_nodes 5000 --nb_train_graphs 100 --nb_valid_graphs 100 --graphs_per_batch 16 --nb_batches 50 --node_neighbors_aggregation gcn --graph_type powerlaw - \
        construct_model --optimizer adam --aggregation max --combine gru - \ 
        train --epochs 100 --stop_patience 5 --lr_reduce_patience 2

# To see the progress on TensorBoard
tensorboard --logdir experiments/latest/logs

# To see the comparison between all the runs with Aim (you need to have docker running first)
aim up

# Or just view the history logs
cat experiments/latest/logs/history.csv

Reproducing the results in the paper

Download the dataset used for evaluation in the paper available on Google Drive (link) or GitHub (link).

Also download the model (link). Provide the path of the model as --model_path in the following step.

To run the evaluation and get the results

python -m drbc.predict real \
            --model_path experiments/latest/models/best.h5py \
            --data_test datasets/Real/amazon.txt \
            --label_file datasets/Real/amazon_score.txt

Alternatively, to build and run the Dockerfile

docker build -t drbc .
docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v $(pwd)/experiments:/drbc/experiments -v $(pwd)/datasets:/drbc/datasets -v $(pwd)/.aim:/drbc/.aim drbc

Baselines implementations

Approach Implementation
RK and k-BC https://github.com/ecrc/BeBeCA
KADABRA https://github.com/natema/kadabra
ABRA Codes in the original paper
node2vec https://github.com/snap-stanford/snap/tree/master/examples/node2vec


To cite the initial work https://github.com/FFrankyy/DrBC

  title={Learning to Identify High Betweenness Centrality Nodes from Scratch: A Novel Graph Neural Network Approach},
  author={Fan, Changjun and Zeng, Li and Ding, Yuhui and Chen, Muhao and Sun, Yizhou and Liu, Zhong},
  booktitle={Proc. 2019 ACM Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’19)},