Implementation of DrBC approach in Tensorflow 2.x/Keras.
DrBC is a graph neural network approach to identify high Betweenness Centraliy nodes in a graph
This work is based on the initial DrBC project: Fan, Changjun and Zeng, Li and Ding, Yuhui and Chen, Muhao and Sun, Yizhou and Liu, Zhong[Learning to Identify High Betweenness Centrality Nodes from Scratch: A Novel Graph Neural Network Approach] (CIKM 2019)
Original implementation:
The code folder is organized as follows:
> cpp/ Contains all the .cpp and .h files
> PrepareBatchGraph Prepare the batch graphs used in the tensorflow codes
> graph Basic structure for graphs
> graphUtil Compute the collective influence functions
> graph_struct Linked list data structure for sparse graphs
> metrics Compute the metrics functions such as topk accuracy and kendal tau distance
> utils Compute nodes' betweenness centrality
> drbc/ Contains all the python files for the training and model definition
> drbcython/ Contains the python bindings for c++ files defined in 'cpp/'
> experiments/ Will contain all the experiments in the chronological order (including models and logs)
Get the source code, and install all the dependencies.
git clone
cd DrBC && pip install .
Adjust hyper-parameters in
, and run the following to train the model
# Change the hyperparameters in the and then run it
# Or alternatively provide all the hyperparameters via command line
python -m drbc.gym --experiment vanilla_drbc - \
construct_datasets --min_nodes 4000 --max_nodes 5000 --nb_train_graphs 100 --nb_valid_graphs 100 --graphs_per_batch 16 --nb_batches 50 --node_neighbors_aggregation gcn --graph_type powerlaw - \
construct_model --optimizer adam --aggregation max --combine gru - \
train --epochs 100 --stop_patience 5 --lr_reduce_patience 2
# To see the progress on TensorBoard
tensorboard --logdir experiments/latest/logs
# To see the comparison between all the runs with Aim (you need to have docker running first)
aim up
# Or just view the history logs
cat experiments/latest/logs/history.csv
Download the dataset used for evaluation in the paper available on Google Drive (link) or GitHub (link).
Also download the model (link).
Provide the path of the model as --model_path
in the following step.
To run the evaluation and get the results
python -m drbc.predict real \
--model_path experiments/latest/models/best.h5py \
--data_test datasets/Real/amazon.txt \
--label_file datasets/Real/amazon_score.txt
docker build -t drbc .
docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v $(pwd)/experiments:/drbc/experiments -v $(pwd)/datasets:/drbc/datasets -v $(pwd)/.aim:/drbc/.aim drbc
Approach | Implementation |
RK and k-BC | |
ABRA | Codes in the original paper |
node2vec | |
To cite the initial work
title={Learning to Identify High Betweenness Centrality Nodes from Scratch: A Novel Graph Neural Network Approach},
author={Fan, Changjun and Zeng, Li and Ding, Yuhui and Chen, Muhao and Sun, Yizhou and Liu, Zhong},
booktitle={Proc. 2019 ACM Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’19)},