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Log: 2018/11/11

  • Extra RideShare9 Backend API -Updated: 2018/11/20
URL Request Parameter Format Parameters Role (ROLE_)
/map/get-top-passengers POST "startTimeX", "startTimeY" void ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/adv/get-top-drivers POST "startTimeX", "startTimeY" void ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/adv/get-top-adv POST "startTimeX", "startTimeY" void ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/user/active-drivers GET void void ADMIN
/user/active-passengers GET void void ADMIN
/adv/get-active-adv/{name} GET (name) (name) ADMIN

Log: 2018/10/31

  • Added a list of the Driver's journey/advertisements to the Driver App
  • Added Modify/Delete Buttons for the Driver's journey/advertisements

Log: 2018/10/29

  • Added a new Vehicle API endpoint, vehicle/get-by-id/{id}

Log: 2018/10/26

  • Update profile UI for Passenger.

Log: 2018/10/23

  • Add a feature to check for duplicate username for signup, immediately after the username field loses focus, a error message will be shown when found the username already exists in database. The register button will be disabled until the username is correct.
  • Can now show error message when login fails.
  • Create a UI prototype for passenger app, using BottomNavigation, ViewPager, FragmentStatePagerAdapter.

Driver App Description

Driver App Description (Version for Release)

Take a passenger on your next trip to save costs with RideShare9. Sharing is simple with our new App.

One Step Sign Up - Sign up in a minute to post an advertisement.
Manage Vehicles in Your Way - Have more than one vehicle registered and update information easily.
Have Multiple Stops - Add more stops to find more passengers

Driver App Description (Version for Development and Grading)

Sign Up

Users can sign up as a driver through a username and a password on the sign-up page. An error message will be given for an existing username , mismatching passwords or illegal inputs. The sign-up button works only when there is no error. After signing up, the log-in page is displayed.

Log In

Users can log in their account and choose to keep logging in for convenience. An error message will be given for non-existent usernames,mismatching passwords or illegal inputs. The log-in button works only when there is no error. After logging in, the advertisement tab is displayed.

Advertisement Tab

Users can post an advertisement in the advertisement tab by typing time, price, stops and selecting a vehicle.

Vehicle Tab

The vehicle tab shows a list of vehicles that a user has registered. Users can add a car by giving model, license plate, colour and number of seats. Users may update or delete any vehicle in the list.

Home Tab

The home tab is a portal that displays user information and the number of their trips. User can also change their statuses here,from on ride to standby and vice versa.

Passenger App Description

Passenger App Description (Version for Release)

Enjoy great trips at low prices with RideShare9. Sharing is more simple and efficient with our new App.

One Step Sign Up - Sign up in a minute to enjoy your trip.
Find a Trip in Your Way - Browse journey and sort by price, time or stop.
Current Trips and More - See current trips in the home tab and click for a map view.

Passenger App Description (Version for Development and Grading)

Sign Up

Users can sign up as a passenger and need to input a username and a password twice on the sign-up page. An error message will be given for an existing username , mismatching passwords or illegal inputs. The sign-up button works only when there is no error. After signing up, the log-in page is displayed.

Log In

Users can log in their account and choose to keep logging in for convenience. An error message will be given for non-existent username,mismatching passwords or illegal inputs. The log-in button works only when there is no error. After logging in, the home tab is displayed.

Home Tab

The home tab is a portal where greeting messages and a current & upcoming trip list (if any) are displayed. The trip list is refreshed continuously. By clicking a trip, users can see a map with the destination indicated. In the map view, users can open google map to navigate.

Journey Browser Tab

The journey browser tab shows all available trips. User can choose to sort by price, time or stop.

User Profile Tab

The user profile tab displays user's information and the number of their trips. Users can log out in this tab.

Design of Passenger UI

Name description features
You Show user's account info and updateable features
Home Show user's current trip features
Advertisement Browser for Advertisement list features

Update of 2018/10/20: Two tips

  • Make sure to use descriptive Ids when modifying the view
  • When you want to send a request to the backend that requires a role Anthorization, you can choose to use a request method from AsyncHttpClient that has a Header[] as argument, and put the Token as a basicHeader in the Header[]. This is a little troublesome since you have to give a Header[] for every request method, but it is the only approach I found for now that works for both AsyncHttpClient and Bearer Token. For example:
 public void test(View view){
        Header[] headers = {new BasicHeader("Authorization","Bearer "+getsavedToken(getApplicationContext()))};
        HttpUtils.get(getApplicationContext(), "adv/get-logged-adv", headers, new RequestParams(), new TextHttpResponseHandler() {
            public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString, Throwable throwable) {

            public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, String responseString) {

Update of 2018/10/18: Start of Sprint2: Android Application for Driver and Passenger

Features implemented (for both Driver and Passenger) :

1. Login Activity:

  • User can enter username and password to login by send a post request to the backend.
  • Can switch to Signup Screen.
  • User can check "remeber me" to remeber the password (Achived with sharedpreferences)

2. SignUp Activity:

  • User can enter username, password to signup by send a post request to the backend.
  • The second password textfield will validate password input,otherwise register button is disabled.

Update of 2018/10/03: Good luck on your EXAMS!!! OS and Ocaml!!!

  • Concluded that security feature will not block mockit from unit testing, but security features needs integration test, which is not part of our project
  • Able to junit test our api with mockit, example provided on UserController; Remind: update your pom.xml
  • Solved ALL bonus problems

WANTED: Bonus 3 solution: logging

  • Logging (i.e., all API interactions should be recorded in a log file for posterity, debugging, and data mining purposes)

Tips for naming API

  • APIs are data-oriented, NOT functional requirement oriented
  • API names should follow create, get, delete, update naming convension

API Endpoints

IMPORTANT: A JWT authorization token is given in the response header after the user logs into the app. All requests that do not have the Role: GLOBAL will need to provide this authorization token in the headers of the request. Example:

  • Header name: Authorization
  • Header value: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJKdWxpYW5UZXN0IiwiZXhwIjoxNTM4OTY0NzkyfQ.z5EqLwlCzonLzosFGBwveOmrgU- LZ4wEK2LEJpO3WkIXQQszs4l78uQOmkOeu5r1Ae5HQllr1V3wtA05LXxt_A


URL Request Parameter Format Parameters Role (ROLE_)
/login POST JSON "username", "password" GLOBAL


URL Request Parameter Format Parameters Role (ROLE_)
/user/sign-up POST JSON "username", "password", and "role" (MUST BE ONE OF: {"ROLE_DRIVER","ROLE_PASSENGER","ROLE_ADMIN"}) GLOBAL
/user/get-is-unique POST JSON "username" GLOBAL
/user/get-user-by-uname POST JSON "username" ADMIN
/user/get-logged-user GET void void ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/user/get-list-passenger-status GET void void ADMIN
/user/get-list-driver-status GET void void ADMIN
/user/get-list-users GET void void ADMIN
/user/update-status PUT JSON "status" (MUST BE: {"ON_RIDE","STANDBY"}) ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/user/delete-usr DELETE JSON "id" ADMIN
/user/mainpg GET void void GLOBAL
/user/hello GET void void PASSENGER (for test)


URL Request Parameter Format Parameters Role (ROLE_)
/adv/create-adv POST JSON "id", "title", "startTime", "startLocation", "seatAvailable", "stops", "vehicle" DRIVER
/adv/get-adv-search POST JSON Essential: "stop", "startLocation", "startTimeX", "startTimeY", "sortByPrice"; Optional: "vColor", "vModel" ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/adv/get-logged-adv GET void void DRIVER
/adv/get-top-drivers POST "startTimeX", "startTimeY" void ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/adv/get-list-adv GET void void ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/adv/get-by-id/{id} GET integer "id" ADMIN, PASSENGER, DRIVER
/adv/update-adv PUT JSON Essential: "id", "stops"; Optional: "title", "startTime", "startLocation", "seatAvailable", "vehicle" DRIVER
/adv/delete-adv DELETE JSON "id" DRIVER

Note: "Stop" attribute in update-adv overshadowed all previous records in a list


used to add passengers to an advertised trip.

URL Request Parameter Format Parameters Role (ROLE_)
/map/add-map POST Path Parameter "adv_id" PASSENGER
/map/admin/delete/{mapper_id} DELETE Path Variable "mapper_id" PASSENGER
/map/list-top-passengers POST "startTimeX", "startTimeY" void ADMIN


URL Request Parameter Format Parameters Role (ROLE_)
/vehicle/add-car POST JSON "color", "licencePlate", "maxSeat", "model" DRIVER
/vehicle/remove-car DELETE JSON "id" DRIVER, ADMIN
/vehicle/get-cars GET void void DRIVER, ADMIN
/vehicle/change-cars PUT JSON "id"; Optional: "color", "licencePlate", "maxSeat", "model" DRIVER
/vehicle/get-by-id/{id} GET void void DRIVER, ADMIN


URL Request Parameter Format Parameters Role (ROLE_)
/stop/get-by-id/{id} GET integer "id" DRIVER, PASSENGER, ADMIN
/stop/add-stop POST JSON "stopName", "price" DRIVER
/stop/change-stop PUT JSON "id"; Optional: "stopName", "price" DRIVER
/stop/del-stop DELETE JSON "id" DRIVER
/stop/get-stop-by-name/{name} GET Path Variable "name" DRIVER

We need @2018/10/01

  1. Unit Test
  2. Heroku SQL API key/uname/pswd

Things done on 2018/09/30

  • Distributed tasks
  • Completed Advertisement Controller and Repository, including documentation
  • Mapper, Stop, Vehicle are assigned and to be completed within 2 days
  • The team gets a overview of project architecture

Meeting for 2018/09/30

Merge Branch

  • Merge mark to master, or swap
  • But, keep original master branch content in another one

Development Cycle 1: Controllers: Approximately 1 day - Due Sunday

  • Every member is responsible for 1 controller
  • If you need some function in any entity manager, add a not implemented function with TODO in that class in your repository.

Note, a "not implemented function" is

* This function does xxx
* Core API Endpoint: (if you have one)
* @param: arg
* @return: ret
public ReturnT myVirtualFunc(ParamT arg) {
    // TODO: this is a virtual function that does xxx
    return new ReturnT(); 

Development Milestone 1: End of Sunday

  • After everyone finish all the above, we merge our "not implemented functions" by discussion.
  • We come up with a list of "not implemented functions" for each class, and determine Interface of each function.
  • Also, unify naming of "not implemented functions" for each author in their classes for further integration

Development Cycle 2: Repository: Approximately 1 day - Due Monday

  • Every member is responsible for 1 repository
  • Implement functions required in cycle 1
  • Verify that integration works

Development Milestone 2: End of Monday

  • Merge our code, and test on local/Heroku.
  • Congratulations! We have completed programming cycle!

Development Cycle 3: Test, Deploy, and Evolution - Tuesday to Thursday

  • Content To be determined on Milestone 2

We can work together on it Since 2018/09/29!!!

Follow instructions in on controllers, and distribute tasks!

  • TODO tells what we should be working on
  • "Wanted tasks" calls for our insight, innovation, and intelligence!

Read JavaDoc to get more information and reinforcement on Core API endpoints!

  • Java Doc tells which method address to which functional requirements
  • Core API endpoint in each Java Doc verifies that we can get all points!
  • Please help me to verify the above. I am not a careful person lol.

User Stories


  • As an admin, I would like to check the status of all active drivers and passengers in the network, such that I can gain an overview of the ride sharing network.
  • As an admin, I would like to listing top drivers and passengers based on historical data, such that I can gain an overview of the ride sharing network.

probably we need a state for users:



  • As an passenger, I would like to search ads for drivers who are willing to start at my location and stop at my destination, such that I can select an appropriate journey to join from the list of results based on start and stop location.
  • As an passenger, I would like to sort results by relevant criteria (e.g., car type, price), such that I can select an appropriate journey to join.


  • As an driver, I would like to advertise journeys to passengers with
  1. information about the vehicle,
  2. the available seating,
  3. the locations that the driver is willing to stop,
  4. the cost of travel for passengers going to each stop

such that I can deliver accurate information to potential passengers.

Added login, authorization, and security feature

Pull my branch, and change application.yml:

username, password: they must be the granted with access to local database "carpool"

if there is no "carpool",

mysql> CREATE DATABASE carpool; 

mysql> USE carpool; 


use local host if you are not remotely accessing database

Then, set up application.yml

  port: 8080
    name: auth-service
    url : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/carpool
    driverClassName : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    database : MYSQL
    show-sql : true
    schema: classpath:schema.sql
    data: data.sql
      ddl-auto : update
      naming-strategy : org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy
        dialect : org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
    root: INFO
    org.hibernate: INFO
    org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder: TRACE
    org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor: TRACE
    com.itmuch.youran.persistence: ERROR

Then, you are good to go! Enjoy using Chrome or Postman! Pay attention to format of JSON. Good