I started solving challenges on Codewars and each challenge I attempt and pass I learn something new. I decided to document them starting from the first challenge to the current one. You can find the challenge or task in the files
- Encrypt This
- Alternate Capitalization
- Counting Duplicates
- Help the bookseller
- Which are in?
- Find The Parity Outlier
- Stop ginnipS My sdorW
- Delete Occurrences
- ConsecutiveStrings
- AreTheyTheSame
- SumsOfParts
- FixStringCase
- ReversedWords
- Terminal Game Move Function
- The Feast of Many Beasts
- Vowel Count
- Even or Odd
- Watermelon
- Count of Positives & Sum of Negatives
- Even numbers in an array
- Convert a Hex string to RGB
- Playing with digits
- Buying a car
- Simple beads count
- Opposites Attract