
Table of contents


Arduino library for receiving Serial data on Rx/Tx pins and processing it. Using custom made protocol, you can send up to 10 commands and parameters with them.


  • BtClassic() initializes BtClassic object
  • void checkNewData() gets new incoming data and assigns it to variables
  • bool getNewData() returns true if new data has been received and processed
  • void loop() main loop, must be placed in loop
  • byte getType() gets type value (0 - 9)
  • int getValue() gets main value (0 - 999)


Data has to be sent in specific way in order for this library to process it. The way data needs to be sent looks like this:

  • <[yourType][yourValue]>

  • First must always come < sign and so must be > at the end

  • yourType must be one digit number

  • yourValue must be three digit number

If you want to send ```yourValue`` that is less than 100 or 10, additional zeros must be added, like 099 or 009


  • <2411> type = 2 value = 411

  • <0002> type = 0 value = 2

  • <0000> type = 0 value = 0