
Novel recurrent layers for Flux.jl

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Documentation Build Status Julia Testing
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RecurrentLayers.jl extends Flux.jl recurrent layers offering by providing implementations of bleeding edge recurrent layers not commonly available in base deep learning libraries. It is designed for a seamless integration with the larger Flux ecosystem, enabling researchers and practitioners to leverage the latest developments in recurrent neural networks.

Features 🚀

Currently available layers and work in progress in the short term:

  • Minimal gated unit (MGU) arxiv
  • Light gated recurrent unit (LiGRU) arxiv
  • Independently recurrent neural networks (IndRNN) arxiv
  • Recurrent addictive networks (RAN) arxiv
  • Recurrent highway network (RHN) arixv
  • Light recurrent unit (LightRU) pub
  • Neural architecture search unit (NAS) arxiv
  • Evolving recurrent neural networks (MUT1/2/3) pub
  • Structurally constrained recurrent neural network (SCRN) arxiv
  • Peephole long short term memory (PeepholeLSTM) pub
  • FastRNN and FastGRNN arxiv
  • Minimal gated recurrent unit (minGRU) and minimal long short term memory (minLSTM) arxiv

Installation 💻

You can install RecurrentLayers using either of:

using Pkg
julia> ]
pkg> add RecurrentLayers

Getting started 🛠️

The workflow is identical to any recurrent Flux layer:

using RecurrentLayers

using Flux
using MLUtils: DataLoader
using Statistics
using Random

# Create dataset
function create_data(input_size, seq_length::Int, num_samples::Int)
    data = randn(input_size, seq_length, num_samples) #(input_size, seq_length, num_samples)
    labels = sum(data, dims=(1, 2)) .>= 0
    labels = Int.(labels)
    labels = dropdims(labels, dims=(1))
    return data, labels

function create_dataset(input_size, seq_length, n_train::Int, n_test::Int, batch_size)
    train_data, train_labels = create_data(input_size, seq_length, n_train)
    train_loader = DataLoader((train_data, train_labels), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=true)

    test_data, test_labels = create_data(input_size, seq_length, n_test)
    test_loader = DataLoader((test_data, test_labels), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=false)
    return train_loader, test_loader

struct RecurrentModel{H,C,D}

Flux.@layer RecurrentModel trainable=(rnn, dense)

function RecurrentModel(input_size::Int, hidden_size::Int)
    return RecurrentModel(
                 zeros(Float32, hidden_size), 
                 MGU(input_size => hidden_size),
                 Dense(hidden_size => 1, sigmoid))

function (model::RecurrentModel)(inp)
    state = model.rnn(inp, model.h0)
    state = state[:, end, :]
    output = model.dense(state)
    return output

function criterion(model, batch_data, batch_labels)
    y_pred = model(batch_data)
    loss = Flux.binarycrossentropy(y_pred, batch_labels)
    return loss

function train_recurrent!(epoch, train_loader, opt, model, criterion)
    total_loss = 0.0
    for (batch_data, batch_labels) in train_loader
        # Compute gradients and update parameters
        grads = gradient(() -> criterion(model, batch_data, batch_labels), Flux.params(model))
        Flux.Optimise.update!(opt, Flux.params(model), grads)

        # Accumulate loss
        total_loss += criterion(model, batch_data, batch_labels)
    avg_loss = total_loss / length(train_loader)
    println("Epoch $epoch/$num_epochs, Loss: $(round(avg_loss, digits=4))")

function test_recurrent(test_loader, model)
    # Evaluation
    correct = 0
    total = 0
    for (batch_data, batch_labels) in test_loader

        # Forward pass
        predicted = model(batch_data)

        # Decode predictions: convert probabilities to class labels (0 or 1)
        predicted_labels = vec(predicted .>= 0.5)   # Threshold at 0.5 for binary classification

        # Compare predicted labels to actual labels
        correct += sum(predicted_labels .== vec(batch_labels))
        total += length(batch_labels)
    accuracy = correct / total
    println("Accuracy: ", accuracy * 100, "%")

function main(;
    input_size = 1,       # Each element in the sequence is a scalar
    hidden_size = 64,    # Size of the hidden state
    seq_length = 10,      # Length of each sequence
    batch_size = 16,      # Batch size
    num_epochs = 50,       # Number of epochs for training
    n_train = 1000,   # Number of samples in train dataset
    n_test = 200   # Number of samples in test dataset)
    model = RecurrentModel(input_size, hidden_size)
    # Generate test data
    train_loader, test_loader = create_dataset(input_size, seq_length, n_train, n_test, batch_size)
    # Define the optimizer
    opt = Adam(0.001)

    for epoch in 1:num_epochs
        train_recurrent!(epoch, train_loader, opt, model, criterion)

    test_recurrent(test_loader, model)



License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License, except for nas_cell.jl, which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

  • nas_cell.jl is a reimplementation of the NASCell from TensorFlow and is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the file header and LICENSE-APACHE for details.
  • All other files are licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE-MIT for details.

Support 🆘

If you have any questions, issues, or feature requests, please open an issue or contact us via email.