
This repository contains a database for managing gym-related information.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


This database is designed to help gym owners, trainers, and administrators manage various aspects of their gym business. It includes features for tracking member information, workout plans, equipment inventory, and more. Features

Member Management
Workout Plans
Equipment Inventory
Reporting and Analytics

Getting Started - Prerequisites

    Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

    1) MySQL Database: You need to have MySQL installed on your system or have access to a MySQL server.

    2) MySQL Workbench (Optional): While it's not mandatory, having MySQL Workbench installed can make it easier to import the database schema.

- Installation

   1) Clone the repository:

        git clone https://github.com/MartorelliLuca/PalestraDB.git

   2) Set up your database using the provided SQL schema files. You can do this by running SQL scripts in your preferred database management tool.
   3) (Optional) You have the choice to perform initial inserts to prevent having an empty database when you start.

Database Schema

The database schema is provided in the SQL file, but you can take a look at it even on the MODELLOCOMPLETO.mwb file.
It defines the structure of the database, including tables, relationships, and sample data.