The Hill Climbing Algorithm is a simple heuristic method which simulates the behavior of human beings during mountain climbing.
- More efficient than Exhaustive Search, due to the avoidance of overall search.
- High chance of being stuck in local optima.
The one-max problem is a basic problem.
Given a bit string of 0's and 1's, the aim is to find a bit string which contains the most 1's.
Open terminal
Run directly in the terminal by typing the following:
#./main [algo] [runs] [iter] [bits] [filename] ./main hc 30 20000 100 ""
Or if you want to run multiple times, just by opening the "" and add whatever you want and run by typing
in the terminal.
You can change the iteration block by modifying
const int block=100;
in "execute.hpp".
As you can see from the following image, due to the random point initialization of Hill Climbing Algorithm, it has a better starting point than Exhuastive Search.
However, in this problem, Hill Climbing Algorithm got stuck in a local optimum in early iterations.