
Repo projet 42 ft_linear_regression

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a basic introduction to machine learning. The goal here is to predict the price of a car by using a linear function train with a gradient descent algorithm.

How to use

$ pip install -r requirements
$ python train.py datasets/data.csv
Training ████████████████████████████████ 100%
The obtained thetas are :
th0 : 8499.599649933214
th1 : -0.02144896359170228

The thetafile is written, you need to use predict.py now.
$ python predict.py
Enter your car mileage: 42000
Your car is predicted to be at 7598 euros.

data.csv is the original dataset, but other are provided to further test the program.

train.py can take parameters to change the learning behavior or show graphs, use --help to learn more.