Eid Mubarak

Author: Rasel Ahmed

Eidmubarak is a popup eid greetings plugin for your wordpress website.


It shows cookie based eid mubarak banner for visitor. Every visitor will see different banner. We have included 40+ banner on plugin.


  1. Unzip plugin zip and upload the folder 'eid-mubarak' to the '/wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


You can use shortcode [eid_cards] on any page editor. Or you can use

<?php echo do_shortcode('[eid_cards]'); ?>

on footer.php just before closing </body>. Then it will show on every page. Don't worry, it is cookie based. If user shows once, it will not show again in 1 day



  • First release