
flatpak package for bajoja's indicator-kdeconnect.

for now it's don't send files(org.kde.kdeconnect flatpak only) or browser the devices but you can see the device notifications, battery, uses "find my phone" and "send sms" options.

this is a old repo, use the flathub instead!.


· run indicator-kdeconnect-settings(see, #2).
· make this a nightly .json and make a new stable .json.
· test with org.kde.kdeconnect flatpak. (run)
· make dbus run the indicator(see, #1).
· exports the indicator icons(see, #3).
· add python to depedences? (see, #4).

How test

Firstly you need flatpak and flatpak-builder installed in you computer. for ubuntu-based disto, her is installed with this command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install flatpak

See http://flatpak.org/getting.html for installations methods for others distros.

For now, if you wanna test this flatpak you need compile it from flatpak-builder with this commands, inside of this directory run:

$ flatpak-builder --repo=~/repo indicator-kdeconnect com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect.json
$ flatpak remote-add --no-gpg-verify repo ~/repo
$ flatpak install repo com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect.json

for execute, run:

$ flatpak run com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect


$ flatpak run --command=indicator-kdeconnect-settings com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect

if you wanna run the settings from terminal