- spidev
- Adafruit_Python_CharLCD
- Python-firebase Use github version instead of pip
- PiSmoker_pwr_triac_isol -- AC handling board, includes SW PS for backpowering Raspi.
- PiSmoker_sig_v1.1 -- Signal boards, conforms to Pi HAT specifications, including EEPROM.
Signal board and power board for traic based control. Includes board power with isolation and 4 triacs. Signaling board has space for 1 RTD via MAX31865, 2 thermocouples (and internal temperature sensor) via ADS1118, and 2 thermocouples and 4 thermistor probes via MCP3208. Using MAX31865 temperature for CJC for all thermocouples should be possible due to placement underneath connector.
- TODO: Add support for firebox burnout sensor (purpose of TC1, hotbox TC to see if temp is >setpoint, will require testing temps). Should be able to run igniter if it is sensed early enough without having to clear out the firebox of pellets or blow the temperature range.
- TODO: Add parsing of EEPROM settings.