Visual Studio Code extension for enhancing debug capabilities for Cortex-M Microcontrollers
Pinned issues
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Allow string for cpuFrequency and swoFrequency
#1060 opened by mm-mm-bb - 2
Stop button does not close Debug toolbar
#1044 opened by SashaHalytska - 1
The project folder has a Chinese path
#1059 opened by xiaotaomcu - 2
WSL2 support quesionts
#1058 opened by sexjun - 0
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Core peripherals view missing ?
#1056 opened by eMKa94 - 3
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Status of this extension
#1027 opened by haneefdm - 5
why the log file‘ s time timestamp is messy code?
#1053 opened by woquchonglang - 3
reset after setting PC (on RT1170)
#1051 opened by mastupristi - 0
CJS Decoder doesn't work
#1050 opened by paulober - 0
When does the RTOS view support RTThreads?
#1049 opened by Zency-Sun - 12
ram .data section error (all FF) when debug (run to main) armclang build + jlink
#1036 opened by 137526291 - 6
Cannot start debug
#1046 opened by GlowingBrick - 3
help: fail to set break point,debug console output:No source file named vscode-local
#1047 opened by cmbjxxiao - 0
Cannot debug STM32MP157DAC1 ( core M4 )
#1043 opened by samuelG4953 - 16
Peripherals/XPeripherals view not showing
#1045 opened by al-martyn1 - 14
GDB session ended. but the debug toolbar won't close.
#1029 opened by yueduz - 2
NUCLEO-H503 Debug Support
#1037 opened by Calamity1911 - 4
Problems with ST-Link multicore debugging of STM32H755ZiQ
#1008 opened by i-ilak - 2
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RTT support for Black Magic Probe
#1014 opened by sorrowed - 1
Bug: " Connecting to a QEMU gdbserver
#1038 opened by smwikipedia - 1
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Slow listing of threads when hitting breakpoint
#1035 opened by MulattoKid - 1
Peripheral Register/SVD Error
#1033 opened by dadede - 4
FreeRTOS Symbols Not Loaded when `"loadFiles"` and `"symbolFiles"` are Used
#1007 opened by Jake-Carter - 4
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OpenOCD stdout not showing up in the DEBUG CONSOLE
#1030 opened by RolfNoot - 1
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Feature request: focus on gdb terminal output while programming and on debug console when finished
#1012 opened by RolfNoot - 6
Peripherals, registers, memory and disassemble all read "There is no data provider registered that can provide view data." when using the attached SVD file.
#1022 opened by AndrewCapon - 1
Missing variables in the Variables View
#1023 opened by AndriiLishchynskyi - 2
Windows/WSL, debugger attempts to open unix-style file
#1025 opened by beyarkay - 2
Live watch not updating value on esp32s3 with esp-prog; "Warn : [esp32s3.cpu0] target not halted"
#1024 opened by OptifySudarshanPatil - 3
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Installed extension failure
#1021 opened by BrycesWang - 0
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Take ipAddress from environment variable
#1016 opened by ligantx - 0
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TI ARM CLANG support
#1013 opened by DanieleNardi - 2
gdb and non-ASCII symbols in filenames problems (again)
#1011 opened by Gadicuz - 0
Offset in disassembly view
#1010 opened by ra-kal - 0
How to view the value of c++ standard container
#1009 opened by feng-xys